Chapter nine

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Tamera’s p.o.v

I sat in front of my mirror attempting to do my hair. It was a struggle but I managed.

When I was finished with my hair I quickly changed and went downstairs. There I ate breakfast with my brother, my mom was already at work by this time.

My brother waited on the bus and I skated to school.

Its cliché but I live close to school and I’m too lazy to walk and it’s the perfect way I could practice.

The whole reason I got into skateboarding is because of my father. When he was young, he used to take part in all sorts of  competition and he even won a couple of times.

When I was little he’d put me on the skateboard in front of him and we’d skate down the sidewalk, I had lots of fun.
So when I skate, it reminds me of my dad. To me it’s a way of keeping him alive.

In about ten minutes I was in school. As I walked down the halls I said hi to everyone I knew so it took awhile for me to get to my locker. When I did get to my locker I saw Wendy standing there with the brightest smile on her face, it was so bright it could probably blind you.

“Well you look extra peppy today.” I said now standing in front of her.

She nodded her head enthusiastically.
“The date when that well?” I asked teasingly as I opened my locker.

“Oh my gosh, better!! He took me to the ice skating rink, then he took me to the ice cream shop……” she cut herself off, sighing “It was amazing.”

I smiled at her dazed expression, even though I don’t like Tommy,  I was happy that she was.

“Well I’m genuinely glad that your date went well.” I said.

“Thanks. How was yours?” She asked.
I groaned and rolled my eyes "Horrible.” I said cringing and the memories “Ross was a complete asshole.”

Wendy scoffed “You’re just over exaggerating.” She said “You’re just saying that because you didn’t want to go out with him the first place.”

I rolled my eyes “That might be true but I swear, he was genuinely an asshole.”

“Fine whatever you say.” She said in a, I don’t believe but I’m going to pretend I do because you’re my friend, sort of way.

I decided not to comment on her attitude and went back to what I was doing.
After a few moments of silence,a deep, familiar voice sounded behind Wendy “Talking about me, I hope.” He said.

I turned my head to see a tall, semi-muscular, blonde hair blue eyed boy.

Wendy let out a little squeal, turned around and practically jumped on him, throwing her arms around his neck "Tommy!"

“Of course we weren’t.” I replied in a sassy manner.

Tommy gave me a tight lipped smile and Wendy gave me a look.

We stood in an awkward silence for a while or at least I did. Tommy whispered in Wendy ear and she giggled at what ever he said like some air headed bimbo.

I couldn’t take their lovey dovey crap anymore so u gathered all my things “ I’m going to class.” I said as I walked away.
Wendy didn’t even bother to look at me and continued with what ever that was.


The bell rang as soon as I stepped into class.

I walked to my seat which was near the window and sat down. I set my bag down on the floor and started to take out my books. As I was taking out my text book I accidentally knocked over my pen, before I could pick it up a hand outstretched and picked it up for me. I looked up to see Ross standing over me with a lopsided smile on his face.

“Hey.” He said awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes and didn’t even bother to answer.

“Look, I know you’re mad at me but can we talk?”

I scoffed “What is there to talk? You being a total asshole? Because I can go hours talking about that.”

Ross sighed and took a seat next to me “I’m sorry about what happened Saturday night, I really am.” He said sounding somewhat sincere.

“That’s really nice of you but I’m not the one you should be apologizing to.”

Ross looked clueless “Who else is there to apologize to?”

I scoffed, unbelievable, this guy was a pain in the ass to Matteo and doesn’t even remember.

“Matteo obviously.” I said annoyed.

His eyes lit up in realization as I mentioned his name “Oh!! Him! Of course.”

I nodded and greeted the teacher as she walked in.

I few moments after Ross leaned into me “Why exactly would I be apologizing to him?” He asked.

I turned to him and gave him an incredulous look “ Are you serious right now?”

Ross nodded with a very clueless look on his face “ I mean, its not my fault he can’t use his eyes and he was totally disrespectful.”

Oh my gosh! Was this guy serious right now?

“Disrespectful?! In what way?” I asked in total disbelief.

“Well for starters, he was late -"

“Because it was a busy night at the diner.”

“And he was flirting with you."

I looked at him like he’d grown two head “Flirting? He was doing his job and using this thing called manners, you know something you don’t have.”

“Deny it all you want but he was. And if anyone deserves an apology it’s me.” He said pointing to himself.

Before I could lash out at him again, the teacher interrupted us “Mr. Lewis, Ms. Matthews , I seem to be interrupting your conversation, so carry on I’ll wait .” she said in a soft tone.

Ross shook his head and sat up straight in his seat which I rolled my eyes and asked if I could change seats because Ross was bothering me.

I did get to change seats but it was one in the front row, it was still better than sitting with Ross.


It was now lunch and I got a text from Wendy saying ‘I won’t be able to eat lunch with you today because Tommy is taking me out’

I was so annoyed that I’d have to find someone else to eat lunch with today.

I made my way to the canteen and bought lunch. It wasn’t anything special just a peanut butter sandwich and an apple juice.
I then looked for a place to sit. I knew pretty much everyone in school and yet it was hard for me to find some where to sit.

My eyes scanned the entire canteen and found no place in particular where I wanted to sit, until my eyes fell on a certain brunette browned eye boy. He was laughing with another boy I didn’t know.
I decided I was going to sit with them. I put a friendly smile on my face and walked up to there table.

“Hi.” I said in a peppy voice.

They immediately stopped talking and looked up at me. Matteo looked at me like a child who has seen Santa or something and the other boy looked at Matteo with a look I couldn’t quite decipher.

“Do you mind if I sit here?” I asked still smiling.


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