Chapter sixteen

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Tamera’s p.o.v
A little later Charlie came over.
They were playing video games and I was just watching them. I honestly felt like I was third wheeling and I was intruding on their one on one time.
“Dude turn right!” Charlie screamed.
Matteo did this weird thing when he turned his entire body as if he was actually turning the car, then they did this weird handshake and Matteo had this goofy smile on his face like he accomplished something important. It was so dorky but still cute.
If one thing I’ve observed about myself is that I’ve been calling Matteo cute a lot recently. I don’t hate that I have, its just weird for me.
As an eighteen year old, I still get confused with my feelings sometimes. I try my hardest not to crush on anyone because I’m a huge over thinker and I come up with these horrific scenarios in my head about all the ways they’d reject me.
Is that weird?
Maybe yes it is.
Anyway back to crushing. Like I said I don’t do crushes, people think that its hard to go to school and not have a crush but it really isn’t that hard because every boy at my school is either a narcissistic, self observed jackass who has their heads stuck way too far up their ass to even care,  or they’re high most of the time to even notice girls.
Besides when I start crushing on someone, I do a lot if weird shit. For example, I stare at them like a total psycho and I start noticing things about them that no one else does……… like the tiny scar on their chin , the way their eyebrows scrunches up when their confused, the almost unnoticeable golden flakes in their eyes and their lips that looks firm yet so soft.
I wonder what kissing them would feel like.
“Um Tamera?” Matteo asked snapping me out of whatever trance I was caught in.
I pulled my eyes away from his lips and looked him in the eyes. I could get lost in them forever and I wouldn’t care.
Then I looked back at his lips. He was saying something but I was too busy fantasizing about his lips on mine. I finally pulled myself together and listened to what he was saying, well at least I tried.
“Are you ok?” he asked me giving me a worried look.
I couldn’t even answer him I was so flustered and sitting so close to him wasn’t helping. I simply just nodded.
“Ok well then, do you wanna play?” he asked holding up his gaming console.
“Uh sure but let me get some water first.” I said quickly walking off to the kitchen. 
As soon as I got to the kitchen I opened the fridge door and took a bottle of water. I wasn’t actually going to drink it I just needed to get out of the room.
Like what was that?
Obviously you have the hots for Matteo Ortega.
What?! Absolutely not. He is my friend and we just started hanging out, this can’t be.
Well it is.
No it isn’t.
Yes it is.
No. It. Isn’t.
You’re more delusional than I thought.
I was about to answer myself,  crazy I know, when I was interrupted by a voice from behind me. “Are you ok?”
I turned around to see the girl from earlier. “Yeah.” I said.
“Ok. I didn’t get to introduce myself properly the first time, I’m Isabel.” She said with a show stopping smile.
I smiled back at her “Tamera.” I said.
“Nice to meet you. And I’m sorry about what happened earlier, we were just excited to see that Matteo finally had a girlfriend. But I guess not.” She said walking over to the counter and sitting on a barstool.
“I am a girl who is his friend, so technically I am his girl friend, just not in that way.” I said trying not to laugh at what she just said.
I mean who wouldn’t want to date Matteo. He’s funny, adorable, kind, selfless and smells really, really nice. Vanilla and pine wood to be specific.
Why do you know what he smells like?
Shut up.
“Yeah I guess you are but you know we want the real deal. I’ve always wanted him to have a girlfriend. And then we’d make fun of him and just be friends with them and tell them a lot of embarrassing stories, you know? But most of all I want him to be happy incase he……” she stopped in the middle of her sentence.
My smile merged into a confused look. “Incase he what?” I asked.
Before she answer Charlie walked into the kitchen. “We’re waiting so hurry up.” He said in this annoyed tone and then walked out .
“You should get back, I have homework to do.” She said looking down at the ground, scurrying away from me before I could stop her.
I was confused because 1) why does Charlie hate me and 2) what was Isabel talking about.
Either way I sighed and walked back into the living room.  
“Hey did you get the water?” He asked smiling.
“Yeah. Me and Isabel were talking that’s why I took so long.” I said smiling back.
“Oh. Well then.” He said, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I walked over and sat between him and Charlie. Matteo handed me his gaming console and then started the game.  I absolutely failed at playing the game. I pressed the wrong buttons and made the wrong turns and Charlie screamed at me didn’t  help at all.
“Does she really have to play.” Charlie asked.
Matteo rolled his eyes. “Yes she does because we invited her.”
“Correction, you invited her.”  He said stressing on the you.
I scoffed and put the console into Matteo's hand and stood up. “I think I should go.” I said.
I was sick of Charlie and his attitude and the not so subtle comments that I’m not wanted. Before I could walk off Matteo grabbed my hand and stood up so now he was towering me. “Stay.” He  said looking at me with this pleading look in his eyes, and oh my gosh, feelings I didn’t know I was capable of, started to awaken.
Sounds like a big, fat,  huge, crush if you asked me.
Good thing nobody asked you.
“Uh…. Ok.” I mumbled. Gosh are you that  easy.
Matteo smiled and sat down pulling me with him, I could hear Charlie groaning from next to me but I didn’t care. All I could focus on was Matteo’s hand engulfing mine.
“I’m sorry, I just assumed that you knew how to play because Travis plays video games.” He said.
“I don’t really have interest In these things but I’d like to learn about it.” I said trying not to focus on the fact that Matteo was still holding my hand.
He smiled and let go of my hand and picked up the gaming console. “First you hold it like this.” He said placing the console in my hands, positioning them in the right place. “And you press this button to turn right  ……” while he was explaining the instructions I tried to stop the heat that was creeping its way up my neck and then my cheeks. He was sitting so close to me, I could feel  his breath fawning down my neck.
“Ok, do you get it?” He looked up from the console the same time I turned my face to answer him. Our eyes met and it felt like everything stopped, I couldn’t help myself so I looked down at his lips, and I swore I saw him do the same.
Look at that. Queue the romantic music and the disco light and …… birds chirping?
I looked away form him and cleared my throat. “Yeah I got it.”
Matteo mumbled an “ok" and removed his hands.
“About time.” Charlie grumbled and then started the game. This time I wasn’t completely horrible but I still lost.
After few more game I decided to go home and Matteo offered to take me. Since I had no other mean of getting home I accepted.
So currently I was sitting through the most awkward car ride of my life. In about a couple minutes I was in front of my house. 
Matteo shut off the engine and
Matteo shut off the engine and instead of getting out of the car I stay “Um, thanks for the ride and for inviting me over. I had a lot of fun.”
“Yeah and anytime.” He said giving me a lopsided smile.
I smile back at him and opened the car door but before I got out of the car I placed a kiss on Matteo’s cheek. I don’t know why but I just did. “Good night Matteo. Matteo Ortega.”
Matteo’s cheeks were flaming red. “ Uh…. Ye-yeah.” He stuttered. I chuckled at his reaction.
I got out of the car with my belongings and
I got out of the car with my belongings and  went inside. For the remainder of the night I did the usual, that is, eating dinner with my mom and brother,  doing homework,  showering etc.
When I was about to get into bed I received a text from Matteo saying. “Good night Tamera. Tamera Matthews.”
I had the hugest grin on my face going to bed.
You are so crushing on Matteo.
Shut up.


Hello everyone.

In back with another chapter I hope you like this one.

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Also who is your favorite characters so far.

Mine is Tamera’s subconscious.

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