Chapter twenty five

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Matteo’s p.o.v

I Tamera’s foot steps descending down the hallway, followed by sounds of the door opening and closing. She'd left, left me and Charlie in a suffocating silence.

He looked down at his beat-up converse with his arms crossed behind my kitchen counter while I stood opposite him with my fist clenched to my sides and my glare burning through his skull.

“What was that?” I could feel anger bubbling in my chest, fighting to reach the surface and erupt into chaos; but I fought it and instead took a deep breath, forcing the anger that clawed on the inside to settle down.

“What was what?” Charlie mumbled, still looking down at his shoes, but his hands were now balled up into fists, his arms still crossed against his chest.

I scoffed , “Don’t be a smart ass with me now, Charlie.” The anger rising again, “You had a lot to say when I wasn’t here. I am now, so say what’s really on your mind,  Charlie.” I paused taking a step towards him, “What the fuck is your problem ?” My words punctuated with each step I took towards him until I was standing in front of him.

He finally looked up but his eyes didn’t meet mine. He shrugged and dropped his hands to his sides and squaring his shoulders, “I wasn’t aware I had a problem.” He paused, “However, I have a problem with her and you should too.”  He said pointing his finger to my chest.

I chuckled sarcastically and shook my head, “Is that so?” I moved away from him walking to the counter to grab myself a glass. I pour myself some orange juice, “And why is that, Charlie?” I raised the glass to my lips, “Enlighten me.”

He followed, pouring himself a glass making sure to keep his distance, “Because she’s bad for you, man.” He told me, “As soon as she’s around it’s like everyone and everything else doesn’t matter, it’s like you forget what’s most important.” His voice quiet but I still heard him.
“Oh and she loves the attention , it’s like she gets high on that shit.” He laughed sarcastically taking a sip from the glass, “She doesn’t care who she’s taking the attention off of. Once you follow her around like a little lap dog, she’s fine.” He kept his eyes trained on his finger circling the rim of the glass.

I furrowed my eyebrows, anger burning my chest, knowing that every word that came out of his mouth was a lie. She wasn’t anything like that. She was sweet and kind and cared about the people she loved. If anything, she hated the attention. But I had to admit, maybe I do give her a little to much attention but how couldn’t I? She has such a positive energy that just rubs off on you, the type of energy that made you feel like you’re floating on a cloud.
The type of energy that I needed right now.

I scoffed again, “You’re being utterly ridiculous.” I told him, “Tamera isn’t anything like that and you know it.” I seethe, “Maybe you’re just jealous.”

That caught his attention and he turned to look at me his eyes now burning into mine, “Jealous?” he scoffed, “Jealous of what exactly?” he asked taking a step towards.
I knew I hit a nerve and I knew it. Charlie had learnt from a young age to never envy others for what they had and that he should be contented with what ever he had. His grandfather which he was very close to taught him that. Since his grandfather died, he lived by those words religiously. Once in his entire life time he had allowed jealously to consume him and he hated the feeling. So he promised himself to never to do it again and he never did.
However, the one thing he hated more than feeling envious was being accused of it. And here I was, his best friend, amusing him of exactly that.

Now it was my turn to cross my arms over my chest, “Jealous that I’m spending my time with someone else besides you.” I retorted, “Maybe you’re the one who’s really greedy for my attention.”

Charlie laughed sarcastically, “Wow, man.” He looked up at the ceiling, “I can’t believe you’re choosing her over me.” He said ignoring my remark.

I sighed and pinched my nose bridge between my thumb and index finger, “I’m not choosing anybody.” I told him, my tone calmer.

“Yes you are.” His voice barely audible over the tension that grew thick between us drifting us further apart. Apart of me knew he was right, some part of me was choosing her. But I didn’t want to have to choose. I wanted both my best friend and Tamera — whatever she was to me—by my side.

Charlie was my only companion, the only person that understood me. He was blood, he was my brother. But Tamera was the person that made me happy, the person that kept me afloat even if it was just seeing her face for a few seconds in the crowded hallway. They were both important and if I had to choose, I’d rather tie a bolder to my ankle and jump into the ocean.

I sighed, “Maybe you should go. Clearly we’re not getting anywhere with this.” I said as I turned to leave the kitchen done with this conversation.

I heard Charlie bang his Hans down on the counter, “No dammit!” he yelled, “I’m not leaving until you understand that I’m looking out for you!” He bellowed.

I spun around the anger finally erupting, “Looking out for me?!” I matched his tone, stomping back into the kitchen, getting up in his face, “All you’re trying to do is ruin the one good thing that’s going on for me right now!”

“Don’t be naïve!” He grabbed my collar, “You’re wasting your time on her .” He then shoved me. “I’m just trying to protect you.”

I stumbled back. Despite his act of violence against me, I wasn’t going to hit him. I want to but I wouldn’t, I couldn’t. Instead, I just stood there and glared at him, “Protect me from what?” I asked, “From Tamara? Sweet, kind, fucking harmless Tamera?” I scoffed, “Then it seems that you’re the one wasting your time.” I told him.

Charlie let out and exasperated sigh and dropped his head, “I’m protecting you from regret.” His voice cracked and then he looked up at me, tears rimmed his eyes, threatening to tip over the edge.

My heart rate slowed, and my anger dissipated, and my heart rate slowed, “What’s really going on, man?” I asked my tone much softer.

The look of indifference and anger were now replaced with dread and sorrow.  “I know.” He whispered, “I know everything.” A single tear fell from his eyes and onto his beat up converse.

Hello again.

I know it's been a long time, but here's a chapter. I hope yall enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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