Chapter 18

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"Mads, do you know what today is?" Derek asked his daughter who was wriggling in his arms.

"Mama home today!" Maddie said with a huge smile. "Wanna walk daddy! Want down!!"

"Mads, you need to let me hold you sweetie. There's a lot going on and I don't want you to get hurt." He says, as they walk out of the elevator.

"Otay." She sighs. "Daddy?"

"Yes, Maddie?"

"Mama pway wit me and Fwuffy later?" Maddie asks.

"Sweetie, your mom is sick and needs her rest. You can lay with her in bed and watch movies together. But she's not going to have a lot of energy to play, baby."

"Oh. She still sick?" She questions. "Hopitable not make her better?"

Derek nods. "She is, baby girl. I know that's difficult for you to understand but she's still very sick." They reach Meredith's room.

Maddie's eyes light up when she notices her mom in the bed. "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" She squeals in excitement.

Meredith smiles when she sees her daughter. "Hi Maddie! Are you having fun with Daddy?"

"Uh huh! We went to bweakfast!" She says loudly.

"What'd you get?" Meredith asks as Derek gently places Maddie next to Meredith in the bed.

"Fwench toast! It was yummy mama!"

"I bet it was! That's my favorite too!" Meredith says and then yawns.

Derek notices how tired Meredith looks and knows that she is completely exhausted yet is extremely happy to see her little girl. "Okay Maddie, why don't you cuddle with your mom while I pack up her belongings so we can head home."

Maddie wraps her little arms around her mom and puts her head on her mom's chest. "Otay!! Mama cuddle time!"

"Best time of the day." Meredith says, smiling down at her daughter.


A few hours later they are back at Derek's house and Meredith is settled into bed. Meredith slept the entire ride back to his house. She couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

"Mama, can we watch a movie?" Maddie asks.

"Sure. What movie do you want to watch?" Meredith asks, yawning.

Maddie thinks. "Hmmmmm. Fwozen!"

"What a surprise." Derek laughs. "I'll start it for you guys."

"Daddy! You gotta watch also!" Maddie pouts. "You can lay next to me and Mommy!" She pats the side of the bed next to her.

"Okay! I'll watch." He puts in the movie and then gets into bed next to Maddie.

Meredith feels completely exhausted yet forces herself to stay awake. Her eyes keep trying to close but she forces them back open. Eventually she gives in and falls asleep.

A little bit into the movie Derek notices Meredith waking up and that she looks like she's in pain. "Mer, what's wrong?"

"My mouth really hurts." She whispers weakly, trying hard not to cry from the pain. She doesn't want to wake up Maddie, who is sleeping with her head on her mom's chest.

"Let me take a look." Derek grabs his phone and turns the flashlight on. "Open up for me Mer." She does and he looks inside of her mouth. "It looks like you have some mouth sores forming Mer. I can get you some Tylenol to help with that."

"Please." She whispers.

"Do you want to try to eat anything? You need to keep your strength up." Derek said softly.

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