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Little- Clinton (Clinty, baby, bubby, love bug, honey)

Cg- Christian (Daddy, Kras)

Clinton Pov

I stood in the living room looking at the door. Daddy had left me with Jesse while he did some stuff. He texted Jesse a minute ago, letting us know he was on the way back. With the traffic, it would be at least a half hour before Daddy got home. But I missed him, and I wanted to be there as soon as he got home. "Clinty, bub, come on. You don't have to stand in front of the door. We still have a while. Lunch is ready, so come eat," Jesse told me. I frowned at him, shaking my head no. "Clint, come on. One of your daddy's rules for you is that you eat three meals a day. You don't wanna break the rules, do you?" He asked. I shook my head. "Buh Daddy be back 'n I gotta wait," I explained. "Bub, your daddy's gonna be a while, whether you're at the door or not. Just come eat real quick and then we can go stand in front of the door," Jesse said. Jordan and Mitchel came down. I stayed in front of the door, ignoring Jesse. "C'mon, Clinty. Time to eat," Jordan said. I shook my head. "Come on, bubby. There's veggie nuggets for you. And we can have vegan ice cream after," she offered. "Buh-" "No buts. One of your rules is that you follow directions from the people watching you. So come eat, or we'll have you stand in the corner until you can listen," Jordan told me. I gasped. "Don't like da corner," I whispered, tears coming to my eyes. "I know you don't, bub. But you have to come eat. I know you wanna wait for your daddy, but he'll be a while. You standing there won't make him come home any quicker," Jordan explained. I started crying. "C'mon, Clint. Come eat," Mitchel said, pulling out my chair. I went to the table, still crying, and picked at my food. "I be done now?" I asked after picking at the veggie nuggets and beans. Mitchel shook his head. "No, Clinton. You've hardly eaten anything. You're not leaving the table until your food is all gone," Mitchel told me. I put my feet up in the chair, hugging my knees to my chest. I cried for a while before the door opened. Daddy came into the kitchen. "Oh, baby. Why weren't you eating? We talked about this, love bug. I'll always come back, but you still have to do stuff while I'm gone. You can't stand in front of the door the whole time, it just stresses you out," Daddy told me, crouching down in front of me. I burst into sobs. Daddy picked me up, bouncing me gently. I had a little bit of separation anxiety when I was little, and it upset me when Daddy left me. Daddy rubbed my back, bouncing me gently until I calmed down. "You're okay, my love. I've got you. I'm right here. Daddy's got you, honey," he told me. I sniffled, pressing my face into Daddy's chest. He cooed at me, setting me back down at the table. He got some beans on my fork, putting it up to my mouth. I let him feed me until my food was gone. He lifted me up, holding me on his hip. "I'm so proud of you, baby. You did so good. You're such a good boy," he told me. I giggled at his words. Daddy took me upstairs to our room and laid me in bed. "I bet you're sleepy after that crying, so let's rest a bit, yeah? I won't go anywhere, I promise. I'll be right here, sleeping next to you," he assured me. I nodded my head. Daddy got in bed next to me, pulling the blankets over us. He pulled me next to him, letting me lay my head on his chest. Daddy's arms were wrapped around me, holding me close to him. I let out a content sigh, closing my eyes. Crying always made me tired, and Daddy knew that. Me and Daddy laid down, falling asleep together.

687 words

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