They Know

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Little- Pat (baby, little one, sweetheart, honey, lovie, bug)
Cg-, Jesse (CC),  Clinton (Clinty,) Mitchel (Mitty), Christian (Krassy)

Pat pov

When Mitchel called a band meeting, everybody except me seemed to know what it was about. The others had been talking for a while. I had been using the valuable time to slip into headspace, and I still wasn't big yet. Mitchel gave me a smile as I sat down. The others turned their attention to me as I walked in. "Pat, we understand that there's something you've been keeping from us," Clinton told me. I started to shake. "Hey, baby. Just relax. It's okay. We're not mad, and we're not judging," Jesse assured me. I curled up on the couch, pulling my knees to my chest. I rocked back and forth, trying to calm myself. I was so careful. How could they have known? Christian and Mitchel were at my side in a heartbeat. "Honey, just breathe for a minute. It's okay. Nobody is mad, nobody thinks you're weird, and nobody's going to hurt you. You're here with us, and that means you're safe," Christian told me. I reached my arms out, trying to get someone to hold me. Christian was the one who did so. He placed me on his hip, gently bouncing me. It was a very calming movement, and I found that I felt much better after a few minutes. I could tell that I had also slipped further into headspace than I had before. My thumb found it's way into my mouth, causing Mitchel to frown at me. "That's bad for your teeth, sweetheart. Let's go get you a paci. Can you show one of us where you keep them?" Mitchel asked me. I nodded. Christian carried me upstairs to my room, then sat me down. I opened the 3d drawer on my dresser, pulling a paci, a bottle, and a small dog stuffed animal I had. The dog's name was Hoagie. "Do you want me to make you a bottle?" Mitchel asked, gesturing to the bottle in my hand. I nodded, handing it to him. "Alright, lovie. Christian's gonna take you downstairs with Jesse and Clint. I'm gonna go make your bottle. Can you stay calm?" Mitchel asked me. I nodded. "Can you use your words?" Christian requested. I shook my head no. I started to tear up at the thought of making Christian upset. Christian placed me on his hip again, rocking side to side. "It's okay, honey. I'm not mad. I just wanted to know if you could or not. It's okay if you're too little for words right now," he assured me. I sniffled and nodded, resting my head on his shoulder. Mitchel gave me a kiss on the forehead and a few head pats. I smiled at the gestures. Mitchel gave me a small smile in return. He left to go make my bottle. Christian took me downstairs, sitting me on the couch next to Clinton. Christian sat on my other side after I was situated. Clinton gave me a hug. I know I had a big smile when he did. Clinton gives really good hugs. After Clinton let go, he saw my smile. "You like hugs, little one?" He asked. "Mhm. And Clinty give da best hugs," I told him. "Is Clinty my nickname?" "Mhm." "What's mine?" Jesse asked. "You CC," I told him. "That's such a cute name, bug. I like it lots," Jesse said. I smiled. "What about me and Mitchel?" Christian asked me. "Krassy n Mitty," I answered. Christian smiled. "You're so cute. Mitty should be back with your bottle any minute now," he told me. I smiled. Mitchel did come back with my bottle shortly after Christian said he would. He handed it to me, giving me more head pats after I took it. I started drinking the bottle. It was angel milk rather than the cows milk I was expecting. It was a nice surprise. I smiled the best I could with a bottle in my mouth. Jesse chuckled. "Somebody's happy, hmm?" He asked. I paused my drinking to nod. "Do you need diapers, baby? Be honest," Clinton told me. I nodded my head. "Show me where you keep them and I'll get you changed," Clinton told me. I led him upstairs to my room, opening the third drawer again. I pulled out a diaper, handing it to him. He picked me up, laying me on my bed. He got me changed into a diaper, some shorts, and a clean t shirt. Then, he took me back downstairs. The other boys smiled at me upon my return. I grabbed my bottle again, drinking the rest of it. Jesse ruffled my hair lightly, giving me a smile. "I lub you," I told them all. They smiled. "We love you too, munchkin. Why don't you go take a nap, hm?" Mitchel suggested. I pouted at the mention of a nap. Christian chuckled. "Don't give us that look, love. Little ones need lots of rest, so they can be big and strong," Mitchel told me. I kept the pout on my face, but nodded to tell them I would lay down. "Okay. Up we go, darling," Clinton said, picking me up for the third time today. He carried me to my room, the other boys trailing behind us. Clinton laid me down. Jesse tucked me in. Then, all of them gave me hugs and kisses. "We'll see you in an hour or two, love. If you need us, we'll be in the living room," Mitchel told me. I nodded. "Ni ni," I said quietly. "Night night," Jesse and Christian said. Clinton gave me one more kiss on the cheek before exiting the room with the others.

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