Chapter 8 - Cause That's How Mafia Works

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[February 22nd 2045] - Classroom 1-B

A day had passed since Y/N's first day at Union and already his name has spread all around the school, its not every day that THE Katsuki Bakugou get beat. In any case, this attention would only worsen for Y/N as Classes 1-C and 1-D would be returning from their Piltover Field Trip. 

After buying their food from the Cafeteria, Ryuko had once again taken Y/N to her eating spot on top of the school roof which was away from many of the students, their plates filled with steaming slices of pepperoni and mushroom pizza. 

Ryuko took a bite of her pizza and paused, a thoughtful look on her face. 

"You know, I've always been a big fan of pineapple on pizza," she said. "I know some people think it's weird, but I think it's delicious."

Y/N wrinkled his nose. "Ew, no way. It a war crime"

Senketsu hums in agreement. " I agree with Y/N . Pineapple is great on its own, but it doesn't belong on pizza. That's just wrong."

Ryuko laughed. "Come on, it's not that bad. It's sweet and tropical, it adds a nice balance to the savory toppings."

Y/N shook his head. "I'll stick to the traditional toppings, thank you very much."

Y/N's second day had been mostly uneventful for the most part, some basic subjects like English, Math, Modern History. His life as a nomad cause him to lack much of the 'proper' education he needed, but out favorite mysterious voice had made things a hell of a lot easier. 

As the two student continued to eat and were deep in conversation, Y/N took a bite of his sandwich and grinned. "Hey, did you hear about the guy who invented Lifesavers?" he asked.

Ryuko shook her head. "No, what happened?"

Y/N chuckled. "Well, he made a mint."

Ryuko had a deadpanned face. "You serious?"

Senketsu laughed. "Oh man, that's a classic. How about this one: Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two-tired."

Y/N giggled. "Oh my gosh, that's terrible. But I love it."

As they finished their lunch, Ryuko couldn't help but sneak glances at Y/N, her heart racing. She wished she had the courage to tell him how she felt, but the fear of rejection held her back.

Y/N noticed Ryuko's glances and grinned. "Is something on your mind, Ryuko?"

Ryuko blushed and looked away, trying to play it cool. "Wh-what are you talking about? There's nothing on my mind. I'm just thinking about my next class."

Y/N chuckled and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do great. And if you need any help, just let me know. I'm always happy to help a friend."

Ryuko's heart skipped a beat. She wanted to shout out her feelings for Y/N, but her tsundere nature held her back. She didn't want to seem weak or vulnerable in front of him. As they stood up to leave, Y/N waved goodbye. 

"See you in math class, Ryuko. I'll see if I can come up with some more terrible jokes to make the time go by." he chuckled as he left the school roof. 

Ryuko watched him walk away, her heart heavy with regret. She wished she had the courage to speak up and tell him how she felt. But as the day went on, Sara couldn't shake the feeling that she had missed her chance. She was a fool for not speaking up, maybe she rushing.

Or was she?


"Mr Voice, I think Ryuko's got a crush on me" 

The Pinnacle of Union - Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now