Season 2: Prolouge

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Season 2 BABY! 


Upton O.Goode POV 

I sat across from my colleague Robyne Bank, engaged in a lively discussion on the topic of the multiverse. The diner around us was a classic 50s-60s café, with neon lights, checkered floors, and a jukebox playing in the background. The smell of burgers and fries wafted through the air, mixing with the sound of chatter and clinking glasses.

"...Moreover, the idea of the multiverse challenges our understanding of the universe and our place within it. It suggests that the laws of physics and the properties of matter may be different in other universes, which can be difficult to grasp for those of us who are used to thinking in terms of a single, consistent reality"

Before Robyn could continue, I interrupted.

"I guess so, but the whole concept is just confusing and doesn't make any sense to me." I said 

"Why do you think that?" Robyn queried

"The multiverse just seems like a pointless concept that's more trouble than it's worth." I shrugged"

"Ah, but I must interject, dear friend. The multiverse holds the potential to elucidate the very nature of reality, allowing us to probe deeper into the laws of physics and to gain a more profound understanding of the universe as a whole."

 "I don't see how that's possible. The multiverse just complicates things and undermines the idea of a single, coherent reality." I argued 

"On the contrary, my friend. The concept of multiple universes only adds to the complexity of our understanding of the universe, leading to new and exciting discoveries. It is by challenging our preconceived notions of reality that we make progress."

"Not really. If anything, it just makes things more complicated. It's like, how are we supposed to keep track of all these different universes and their physical laws and properties? It just seems like a waste of time and energy." Robyn countered

"But we can't even prove that these other universes exist. It just seems like a waste of time and resources to study something that may not even be real."

"You may be right, but the mere possibility of multiple universes should not dissuade us from exploring the intriguing concept. It is through scientific exploration that we push the boundaries of our knowledge, expanding our understanding of the universe and our place within it." I exclaimed

"I guess I can see where you're coming from, but it still seems like a lot of speculation to me. I think we should focus on what we can observe and prove to be true." Robyn shrugged, sipping his tea. 

"Of course I believe that we must prioritize empirical evidence, but the multiverse offers us a glimpse into the unknown and a chance to expand our understanding of the universe. It is through the pursuit of knowledge that we gain a deeper appreciation of the world around us."

"And what if we do discover evidence of multiple universes? What then? How does that benefit us in any tangible way?" Robyn questioned, placing his tea back onto his plate. 

"Well, the benefits of scientific exploration are not always immediately tangible, but they can have profound effects on our understanding of the universe and the world we inhabit. The discovery of multiple universes could have significant implications for our understanding of physics, and could lead to technological advancements that we can't even imagine yet." I suggested

"I suppose that's true, but what about the ethical implications? What if we discover a universe where things are drastically different from ours, and we decide to interfere or meddle in their affairs?"

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