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Berserk x Male Godskin Apostle Reader:

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Berserk x Male Godskin Apostle Reader:

Reader Info:You were there when it happened

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Reader Info:
You were there when it happened.

The first Eclipse, deep in a cell forced to endure brutal torture and endless torment.

You had no idea why this was happening, why you were treated like this.

Even your own parents seemed disgusted with you and completely ignored your cries as you were dragged of to be contained and Tortured.

For years you were locked away and tortured enduring nothing but pain and suffering.

Until one day the Eclipse occurred and the God Hand descended down to destroy the kingdom.

One member of the God Hand came down and found you battered and broken in your cell.

This member seemed to sense something within you, something that made him afraid and he attempted to kill you.

However something happened that saved you.

You let out a scream and black flames erupted from your body which burnt that member of the God hand reducing their members from 5 to 4.

This is why you were you locked up, this is why you were feared.

You were born with the black flames of Destined Death within you.

These flames were capable of burning the very gods themselves and that is exactly what happened to this member of the God Hand.

Their skin was burnt to a sickly white and the flames released you from your bonds.

The Eclipse passed and you were cold and starving and so you Skinned the member of the God Hand and wore it to keep warm, though it was too big for you.

You had nowhere to go and simply wandered, and against all odds you survived until you ended up at the steps of some kind of Church.

You were tired and decided to take a chance and knock hoping they'd let you in.

The priest opened the door and was surprised to see you still wearing the skin of the God Hand.

He seemed to recognize the skin you were wearing and took you in immediately.

The Priest gave you food and warmed you up and oddly did not discard the skin you were using.

It turns out you were in the church or Destined Death.

A church that religiously worshipped the very black flame that you were able to wield.

It is said that the wielder of this flame will someday eliminate all members of the God Hand and finally God himself and free this world from their horrors.

You were the wielder this church had been waiting for and so you were trained and given a weapon and grew into the Skinned God wearing it like a robe you became known as the Godskin Apostle.

Your weapon:

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Your weapon:

The reason you took up the task of eliminating the God Hand was because you wanted to repay the only people who had ever been kind to you.

Armed with your Peeler and wearing the skin of a God hand you were ready to not only skin the gods themselves, but also all your enemies.

Your theme song:

(A/N: Okay so the reason the people didn't just kill you when they found out about your flames, I'm still figuring that out.)

Love Interests:

Love Interests:

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Fem Guts:

Fem Guts:

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