Welcome Home:

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Welcome Home x Male Reader:

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Welcome Home x Male Reader:

You were never the cheeriest person.

Many considered you dull or boring which was not helped by your usual monotone voice.

The only thing that really stood out about you was your insane height.

You were a tall individual, about 10 feet.

Many were intimidated by you, but you did manage to make a good group of friends who you served as the responsible voice of reason.

You'd make sure none of them got in trouble and steer them down the right path even if they rarely listened.

You loved your friends and would do anything to protect them.

One day, you and your friends came across old remnants of a show they all used to love.

"Welcome Home," a show that reminded you very much of Seasame Street as it involved Puppets in a neighborhood teaching lessons to children.

You never watched the show, but your friends really loved the show and due to nostalgia they wanted to restore the remnants they found to their former glory to preserve their show.

You figured no harm could come from it and agreed to help them with it.

So you and your buddies spent the next few days restoring the remnants of Welcome Home.

However, as you did, a number of strange things began happening to you.

You mostly began suffering odd visions and Nightmares, mostly of the characters of Welcome Home.

It started out small, but it eventually escalated.

You told your friends about it eventually and asked to take a break from the project for a while and they allowed it saying you've done more than enough and deserved to rest.

When you went to sleep that night however you suffered another nightmare and when you woke up, you could not believe your eyes.

You were in the Neighborhood, the neighborhood of welcome Home.

Also, you were a puppet now.

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