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Overlord x Male Soul of Cinder Reader:

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Overlord x Male Soul of Cinder Reader:

Overlord x Male Soul of Cinder Reader:

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Reader Info:You started off as an NPC for the tomb of Nazarick

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Reader Info:
You started off as an NPC for the tomb of Nazarick.

You are known as (Y/N), the Soul of Cinder a Salamander Warrior created using a special flame.

Thanks to you being a Salamander and this flame your pyromancy skills are unmatched.

That combined with your knowledge of various weapons, such as staffs, spears swords and various other sorceries made you the most powerful NPC within the Tomb.

You serve as the Tomb's trump card, a secret weapon of sorts in case the tomb was desperate enough.

Though it never came to that.

Like all other NPCs, you gained sentience once the Yggdrasil servers shut down.

You were programmed to be loyal and follow orders without question, to be something similar to an automaton and lacked emotion.

Though before the shutdown a certain someone changed up a few things in your programming.

Momonga who will later be known as Ainz Ooal Gown was a female guild member who embarrassingly developed a crush on you and so she changed it to where you could feel emotion.

This meant love was something you could feel and she even went as far to write in a little extra detail.

That detail being you were her lover and when you gained sentience that is what you became.

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