A Bug's Life:

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Bug Harem x Male Reader:

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Bug Harem x Male Reader:

You were always afraid of bugs.

Not just bugs, but spiders, Centipedes and Scorpions too.

Maybe crabs and Lobsters too.

Basically you just weren't a fan of creepy crawlies.

They always freaked you out and honestly...it's understandable.

Hell you even get creeped out by Butterflies ever since you found out they taste you with their feet.

Insects, Arachnids and anything of the like you just hated.

Your friends constantly tease you about your fear but never pull any pranks on you, they didn't want you having a heart attack.

Unfortunately, you'd soon have to face your fear cause your friends finally convinced you to come camping with them.

Out in the woods...

Where there are plenty of creepy crawlies.

You don't know how they did it, but they managed to get you to come camping.

So, here you were, you and your buddies in the forest walking towards a place to set up camp.

You don't know how, but you ended up getting seperated from your friends and ended up lost and alone...surrounded by BUGS!

And so you frantically began searching for them, calling out and flinching every time a bug passed you by.

It was getting late and you began fearing for your life even more, you had no choice and you were forced to settle in a damp cave for the night.

You couldn't even sleep and stayed awake all night because one of your friends was carrying all the camping supplies.

You were not gonna sleep on the hard cave floor.

So tired and hungry, you exited the cave come morning and began trudging through the forest.

Something felt...different about the forest though.

There were no bugs flying or crawling in the forest anymore as far as you could see, not that you were complaining.

It was still odd though, the day before bugs were everywhere.

Suddenly you heard what sounded like humming and...stomping.

Stomping that was coming straight towards you.

You stood there, frozen in fear and confusion as the humming and stomping grew closer.

Before you knew it, a shadow was now looming over you from behind and then came a laugh along with a question.

"Ahuhuhuhuh, what do we have here?"

You slowly turned and came face to face with one of your worst nightmares.

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