I Choose You (Part Two)

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The white light faded from the room and a small brown Fluffy pokemon appeared on the floor. "Vee?" It asked glancing from Professor Oak to Yuki and then to Leaf.

"Aww... its so cute." Leaf chuckled kneeling down on the floor to inspect Eevee up close, but as she did so, Eevee leapt behind Yuki's legs and peered out cautiously at Leaf.

"My, it's seems Eevee's taken a liking to you already Yuki." Professor Oak chuckled.

"Really?" Yuki asked keeling down close to Eevee. "So, you like me?"

"Veee." Eevee replied shyly.

"Awww, I think I'll name you... Amy!" Yuki exclaimed startling Eevee a little. "Amy the Eevee."

"Eevee's are so cool." Leaf stated.

"huh?" Yuki asked looking up at her best friend.

"You see Yuki, Eevee can evolve into one of eight pokemon." Professor oak explained pulling a chart out of nowhere. On the chart were eight pokemon. "Vaporeon, a water type. Flareon, a fire type. Jolteon, a electric type. Leafeon, a grass type. Espeon, a psychic type. Umbreon, a dark type. Glaceon, an ice type, and Sylveon, a Fairy type."

"Woah... there are so many." Yuki gasped. "Which one is my Eevee going to evolve into?" Yuki asked curiously.

"Only time will tell which type you will choose." Professor oak replied.

"Choose?" Yuki asked confused.

"You see, Eevee can be influenced to evolve by their environment, or by certain stones." Professor Oak replied.

"That's pretty cool." Yuki said picking up Amy in her arms.

"I know right!" Leaf exclaimed.

"Now, I'm sure you two are excited to begin your journeys." Professor Oak chuckled ushering the girls out the door.

"Hey Yuki..." Leaf began.

"It's time to go." Yuki sighed.

"Hey! Don't worry, I'm going to become the champion, and you and Amy will discover what you want to do together." Leaf exclaimed giving Yuki a pep-talk.

"Yeah! You're right!" Yuki realized. "With a partner by my side, I can do anything!"

"Precisely." Leaf chuckled.

"I guess I'll see you later than." Yuki chuckled.

"Yeah, I'll see you." Leaf said turning away from Yuki before down the road.

"Yuki!" Yuki sighed and turned around to see Gary walking towards her spinning his Pokeball on his finger while a group of girls giggled behind him.

"What do you want Gary?" Yuki asked gritting her teeth.

"I just wanted to know what that monstrosity you're holding is. It sure isn't a starter." Gary jeered.

"This is Amy, my partner." Yuki stated defiantly.

"Whatever. My STARTER is ten times better than that." Gary scoffed.

"Gary, Gary he's our man, if he cant do it no one can." The girls began to chant.

"Excuse me." A young raven-haired boy pushed through the boys and collided with Gary.


"Hey, watch where you're going." Gary yelled.

"I see you finally decided to wake up Ash." Yuki greeted. Amy pressed herself against Yuki's chest as Yuki held her.

"Better late than never." Gary jeered. "At least you get the chance to meet me."

"Gary." Ash greeted standing up.

"Mr. Gary to you. Show some respect!" Gary scolded. "Well, you snooze, you lose and you're way behind right from the start."

"Let's go Gary. Let's go!" Gary's fan girls chanted. Yuki rolled her eyes and snorted while trying to hold in her laughter.

"Thank you fans! Thank You!" Gary called reveling in the cheers of his fans. I promise you that I will become a Pokemon Master and make the town of Pallet known all 'round the world!" The crowd cheered louder as he stated this.

"what Pokemon did you get?" Ash asked Gary.

"None of your business. If you had gotten here on time, you would've seen that I got the best Pokemon from Professor Oak, while your sister is stuck with that monstrosity." Gary bragged. "It's good to have a grandfather in the pokemon business.

Ash glanced over to Yuki who was hugging Amy tight in her arms as Gary walked off. "What pokemon even is that?" Ash asked confused.

"This is Amy, she's an Eevee." Yuki replied with a smile.

"Why would you pick that pokemon?" Ash asked. "I'd rather have a Squirtle."

"I don't care." Yuki said hugging Eevee. "Amy's the best."

Pokemon Kanto Journey: Ash Ketchum and OC Yuki KetchumWhere stories live. Discover now