I Choose You(Part Three)

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"So, you decided to show up after all." Professor Oak stated startling Ash as he had not heard the professor descending the steps.

"Oh! Professor Oak! Where's my pokemon?" Ash asked excitedly.

"Your pokemon?" Professor oak asked.

"Yes, My pokemon!" Ash replied.

"You look like you're ready for Bed not for pokemon training." Professor Oak replied as Yuki chuckled. Her brother was currently decked out in his pajamas and no shoes as he had run to the lab in a panic when he realized he was late. "I hope you don't think you're going to train in your pajamas."

"Oh, no, Professor. I got messed up this morning, and I was a little late, but, believe me, I'm ready for pokemon." Ash replied earnestly.

"I guess." Professor Oak replied.

"I think I'll stay out here with Amy." Yuki chuckled as Professor Oak led Ash inside.

"Yuki!" Yuki turned around and saw her mother hurrying up the road holding Ash's backpack.

"Mom!" Yuki exclaimed seeing her brown-haired mother hurrying up to her. "Whatcha doing here?" Yuki inquired.

"I wanted to see you and Ash off." Delia replied. "Also, I brought Ash's backpack." She added as an afterthought holding his backpack up as evidence.

"Mom, I want you to meet Amy." Yuki said holding out her Eevee partner. Amy wiggled out of Yuki's grasp, and hid behind her legs.

"Aww... it's so cute!" Delia exclaimed crouching down see Amy up close.

"Yeah, Amy's a little shy though." Yuki explained. "Don't worry Amy, that's my mom, She's very nice.

Delia let out a little giggle and stood up. "Well that's okay." At that moment, Ash and the professor emerged from the lab looking rather disheveled. Ash was holding a small yellow pokemon.

"Mom!" Ash exclaimed shocked to see his mother waiting with Yuki.

"Oh, Ash! I'm so proud of you. You're finally going to fulfill your dream and start your pokemon training along with your sister." Delia exclaimed. "But I'm going to miss you so much." Delia said wiping away her tears before handing Ash his backpack. "I packed your sneakers and jeans, nice clean shirts and underwear, and your favorite snacks and some hot chocolate in case you want something hot but be careful not to burn yourself, and a Pair of Rubber gloves to do your laundry and a new clothesline to hang it out to dry." Delia said quickly listing the items inside the bag.

"Mom, you're embarrassing me." Ash groaned flushing pink. "Pokemon trainers can take care of themselves.

"I understand." Delia nodded. She looked to the ground where Ash's yellow partner was standing. "That's your pokemon?" she asked.

               "Yeah that's my pokemon

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"Yeah that's my pokemon." Ash chuckled. "With Pikachu at my side, I'll get all the pokemon in the world!" Ash exclaimed.

               "Pikachu, are you going to be like this the whole way?" Ash groaned glancing at his partner who nodded not making eye contact with his trainer.

"Is it because you don't like me?" Ash asked Pikachu who nodded in response.

"I'm glad you like me." Yuki chuckled as Amy happily cooed from where she sat on her trainer's head.

Ash huffed at Yuki and told Pikachu, "Well I like you a lot. And since you're the Pokemon I'm training don't you think you could be a little nicer and just open your mouth and tell me what's wrong?" Pikachu turned to ash and opened his mouth widely. "Uh... That's not exactly what I meant. You're just like all pokemon and you should act like one and get inside the Pokeball, just like it says in the Pokedex."

"Ash, you do know, some pokemon don't like being in their Pokeball." Yuki stated turning around to face her brother.

"While there are many exceptions some pokemon hate being confined." Ash's pokedex declared confirming Yuki's statement.

"Okay then... This ought to make things better!" Ash said untying the clothesline and putting it away in his bag. "And I'll get rid of these." Ash said taking off the big rubber gloves. "How's that?" Ash asked. Pikachu turned up his nose and looked away from Ash. "Still not good enough?" Ash asked to which Pikachu nodded.

"It may take a while for Pikachu to warm up to you though Ash..." Yuki stated as she watched Ash attempt to make friends with his new partner.

"Hey look! A Pidgey!" Ash exclaimed pulling out his pokedex.

"Pidgey is a flying pokemon. Among all the flying Pokemon it is the gentlest and easiest to capture. A perfect target for the beginning pokemon trainer to test their pokemon skills." The pokedex explained.

"This is perfect! It's our lucky day!" Ash exclaimed. "Pikachu go get it!" Pikachu turned his head in refusal. "Aren't you ever going to listen to me?" Ash asked receiving a head shake from Pikachu. "but why not?" Pikachu began climbing a nearby tree as it settled itself in one of the branches.

"This is going to be a long journey..." Yuki sighed glancing up at Amy who happily sat on her head.

Pokemon Kanto Journey: Ash Ketchum and OC Yuki KetchumWhere stories live. Discover now