I Choose you! (Part Five)

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Yuki ducked underneath a large tree as she wrung the water from her raven black hair. Amy shook herself sending water droplets spraying around them. "Huh, it's really coming down." Yuki commented as she sat on the damp ground watching the rain fall around them. A streak of lightning flashed across the sky, and it was quickly followed by a crash of thunder. Yuki covered her ears in fright. The loud noise startled Amy and in its fright, the small Eevee began running from the source of the sound.

"Amy!" Yuki exclaimed slipping on the wet grass as she stood up and ran after her partner. As Yuki ran through a line of bushes, Yuki felt herself become airborne, looking down, Yuki saw Amy falling along with her as they flailed through the air landing in another lake. Yuki held her breath as she collided with the water and sunk beneath the surface. She grabbed ahold of Amy and swam to the surface of the water where she gasped in the air. "Are you alright Amy?" She asked her partner pokemon. Amy nodded in response.

Yuki swam to the edge of the lake sat at the edge of the water as the rain continued to pour down on them. "It's to late to get to the next town, we're going to have to stay here for the night." Yuki decided. She set up under a large tree next to the lake and fell asleep in her tent. As the rain began to slow to a drizzle and the moon began to show through the clouds, A mist settled over the camp.

Yuki sat up rubbing her eyes. Something seemed off. She crawled over to the tent opening and unzipped it slightly peering out into the misty darkness. Amy sleepily stretched walking over to Yuki as she stepped outside of the tent. A rumbling sent vibrations through the ground as Yuki looked around in confusion. "Amy, what is that?" She asked picking her partner and stepping towards the lake edge looking around.

A stream of bubbles was coming from the bottom of the lake creating ripples that spread throughout the pond. An orb of water began floating out of the middle of the pond with some sort of pokemon inside of it. Yuki stumbled backwards falling onto the ground as the water orb exploded sending water spraying all around. An ear shattering call shattered through the night air. Yuki looked up to see a white pokemon that had deep red eyes with blue fins running down both sides of its back.

 Yuki looked up to see a white pokemon that had deep red eyes with blue fins running down both sides of its back

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"It's a Lugia..." Yuki said in awe as the clouds drifted away from the Moon and a brilliant moonbow arched through the sky behind the legendary pokemon. A small shining object floated towards her, and Yuki reached out so it would float into her hands. It was a small pair of a piece of jewelry called a Silver Wing.

Lugia looked her in the eye before it shot up into the sky and was soon only a black speck drifting along before the Moon

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Lugia looked her in the eye before it shot up into the sky and was soon only a black speck drifting along before the Moon.

Yuki inspected the Silverwing, turning it round in her hands and feeling the smooth silver back and the rindstones on the front. Amy put her paws on Yuki's hand pulling them down so that she could see the pretty object too.

Yuki hummed to herself the next morning as she walked along the path to the town. Amy sat on her shoulder chirping along with her trainer.

"More than golden, the land of gods atop the lattice stage, dance, oh, shrine maiden. Far across the waves, the maid slumbers. What came before is southern snow, in the hour of the cold flame. Dark blue water, white storm clouds. The journey to the end, the stone that shows the way. What lies ahead is the sun setting in the east, Now is the time to run beyond the Ark." 

Yuki finished her song and looking around noticed a group of pokemon looking out at her from the forest. "Oh, hello." Yuki greeted. Her greeting startled the pokemon and they dashed back into the forest. Yuki shrugged and began making her way down the path again when suddenly, she heard an angry shout from behind.

"There you are!" Yuki turned around to see the red-haired girl from yesterday wielding a rusted and beat up bike.

"Woah! What happened to your bike!" Yuki exclaimed in shock as the girl slammed it into the ground in front of Yuki.

"What do you mean what happened to it!!" She exclaimed. "You were with the kid that stole it!"

"I haven't seen Ash since yesterday." Yuki replied. "He took off to take his Pikachu to the pokemon center."

"Oh... Sorry." The girl replied.

"That's okay, he's my brother, I probably should've tried to stop him, but I was a little... preoccupied worrying about his Pikachu," Yuki replied.

"I'm going to find him; he's completely ruined my bike!" The girl announced gesturing to her fried bike.

"Mind if I come with?" Yuki asked, "I'm on my way to catch up with him."

"Yeah sure." The girl replied. "Oh, I'm Misty by the way."

"It's nice to meet you! I'm Yuki, and this is Amy." Yuki introduced herself and her partner.

"That's such a cute pokemon!" Misty exclaimed. I've always loved Eevee."

Yuki and Misty together carried the fried bike down the path chatting all the way by the time they reached Viridian city, the sky was beginning to darken again signaling night was near. They heard a loud voice calling over a loudspeaker that stood high up on a pole over the small police station. "Attention citizens of Viridian City. We have reports of possible Pokemon thieves in out area. Be on the lookout for suspicious looking strangers. Repeat, be on the lookout for suspicious looking strangers."

"Excuse me, which way is the pokemon center?" Misty asked as they stepped inside the police station and walked up to the blue haired lady at the only desk inside.

"It's right down the road that way." Officer Jenny replied she looked at Yuki and asked. "Is that your pokemon?"

"Um, Yes." Yuki replied holding Amy out for officer Jenny to see.

"It's very unusual for someone to carry a pokemon around and not in a Pokeball." Officer Jenny replied. "Could I see your ID?"

Yuki looked at Misty confused. "ID?" She mouthed.

"Do you have a pokedex?" Officer Jenny chuckled.

"Oh!" Yuki exclaimed pulling her pokedex out of her pocket and handing it to officer Jenny.

"This pokedex was programed by Professor Oak for Pokemon trainer, Yuki Ketchum of Pallet town. My function is to provide Yuki with information and advice regarding Pokemon and their training. If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced." The Pokedex chimed.

"Oh! I didn't know that was my ID." Yuki chuckled.

"That's all right, you know, you're the fifth trainer I've seen today just from Pallet town." Officer Jenny replied.

"Oh! That means Ash and Leaf have gotten here already!" Yuki exclaimed.

"Now, be careful on your way to the pokemon center, we've had reports of Pokemon thieves in the area." Officer Jenny told her and Misty.

"Sure thing Officer." Misty replied.

Pokemon Kanto Journey: Ash Ketchum and OC Yuki KetchumWhere stories live. Discover now