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Ellie texted Pierre last night while she was nice and warm and cosy in bed , and told him that she and Orla would be joining him and his friends on their yacht trip. She stared at that text for a minute before realising that she actually hadn't packed yet , and so she jumped out of bed and ran around her hotel room like a headless chicken packing toiletries and deciding which clothes were best for a yacht trip.

Pierre then arrived at what Ellie would call "the ass-crack of dawn" to bring her and Orla to the yacht where they would join the rest of Pierre's friends.

Charles , Lando , Alex , George , Charlotte , Luisa , Lily , and Carmen were also going to be on the yacht trip. All couples.
Arthur LeClerc also decided that he wanted to join them , and so he made his way to Greece yesterday from Monte Carlo to join his brother and all his friends on this trip.
Which brings us to where we are now.

"I really shouldn't have come" Orla started as she , Ellie and Pierre pulled up at the dock.
"I'm the only single one here , this is going to be miserable"

"Will you shut the fuck up you'll be fine" Ellie said, turning around to look at her cousin from the passenger seat of Pierre's car.

"You're not the only single one actually" Pierre said , parking his car and turning it off.
"Charles' brother Arthur is here too. He's single"

"See" Ellie said.
"You'll be grand"

Orla huffed as the three got out of the car , grabbed their bags , and walked over to the reception hut where all their other friends were. Pierre introduced the two girls to Arthur , who blushed when he shook Orla's hand , and the massive crowd of 12 made their way onto the yacht.

This yacht was huge. Ellie thought it would want to be for the 12 of them , but it was even bigger than she could ever imagine a yacht being. I mean the yacht was so big it was practically a ferry.

After making their way aboard the yacht the group met the crew , got a tour of the yacht , went through safety procedures and the schedule for their five day trip , before running off in all different directions to book a room.

Ellie was the slowest out of the twelve and , after running a solid two yards , gave up and told herself she'd find whatever room was some bit available and sleep there.
That was until Pierre came running back to her.

"I found us a really nice room" he told her panting , hunching over and putting his hands on his knees.
"There is a really nice wardrobe and the window has a really nice view of the sea"

"We're sharing a room?" Ellie asked surprised.

"Why not?" Pierre asked.
"I mean we already have , no?"

"Yeah but you sleep weird Gasly" she told him with a cheeky grin.
"Like I woke up and your legs were all tangled around mine and your arm was all over me"

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