Narcissistic Men Will Never Stand Up For You

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99.9% of the time, these men are MOMMA'S BOYS. They spend years of their lives seeking validation from their selfish mommas who never raised them right! These women raise these BOYS to be dependent on them. Treating them like babies, never correcting their flaws. Always making them feel like they are RIGHT. But I'm here to let these mothers know that they were dead wrong!

If it's not their mothers, it's their fathers who left a nasty perception of love. Unfaithful, narcissistic dads who could not love their mothers right. So the messed up cycle continues! It's tradition. A narcissistic generational curse.

But in all truth, these men will never stand up for you, especially not to their family or friends. Females specifically. At first you'll think, "Oh, maybe he doesn't love drama." Baby girl, you're the only woman he has strength for. Bring up a situation, watch him turn it on you. Talk about someone disrespecting you and watch him defend them. But what about when the tables turn? Why won't he keep that same energy? You are NOBODY to him. NOTHING to him. We stay collecting red flags instead of using them as points of escape. These men will get defensive if you express any discomfort with the relationship they have with other females. Instead of dealing with the situation, they will resort to doing shady shit.

Ok, I think this was the beginning of the last straw for me. This female "friend" was always giving me the dirty look when we met. I could sense the resentment and jealousy. I made it known to him. You know what he did? NOTHING. NADA! At least let me see that you are on MY SIDE. Yea, yea... you might say I was being dramatic or thinking too negatively but it's all about collecting receipts aka "red flags note" that you'll need, to find the courage, to make your GRAND EXIT!

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