It's Okay To Be Tired, But Don't Stay Tired

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It's okay to feel like you want to give up. It's okay to sit in the dark, listening to sad songs with tears rolling down your cheeks. It's okay to feel stupid and blame yourself. What's not okay? Ignoring your emotions. Pretending like it doesn't matter and you are not affected by all that he does or did.

At the end of the day, you are allowed to feel. Don't brush your emotions aside to accommodate a man's feelings. It's not worth it boo! But also, at the end of the day, don't stay there. Shake it off. In the words of Sarah Jakes-Roberts, "Girl, get up!". The time is now. Spread your wings and become the woman you only dreamed that you could be.

It's okay to be tired, but don't stay tired. Mope. Cry. But get the hell up again. Both mentally and physically. It can often feel like you've lost everything but that's not the case. Once you have yourself and God on your side, you indeed have all that you need in this lifetime. So don't be discouraged. It gets better.

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