Public Display Of Love

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Surprised by his display of affection in the public eye? Narcissists do this on purpose because they are not the type to be romantic. But, they want people to believe that you are being loved correctly so they put on a show!

A lot of times, while in private, I would be BEGGING my partner to come closer, to hold me, to kiss me, to touch me...however, at public gatherings, I got ALL of that and more!

I stopped expecting affection at home when I noticed that he wouldn't give it unless we were out in public. This was his way of showing the world that he loved me so when all hell broke loose, he could discredit all my accusations. Cunning, yet smart right?

And you know what I found extremely funny? How he could find the time to flirt with other women. Calling them sexy, telling them that they were beautiful as if he didn't have a sexy, beautiful woman in his corner. Was I not worth the same compliments? Or was it his way of making me feel inferior?

But they are right when they say, "Never allow anyone to determine your value." You have to be the first person to recognise how valuable you truly are. Know your worth and add tax!

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