3. Fairy-tale One-Shot-- 'BeautY and The BeasT '

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Wangxian One Shot:--

BeautY and the BeasT

Once upon a time, in a faraway land where the mountains sloped gently around a clear blue river that passed by a cottage lived the merchant Jiang Feng Mian with his three children-- Yanli, Cheng, and Wei Ying. They had started living in the mountains as their father had fallen on hard times of late.

One fine day, the merchant received good news. He had to journey to the higher mountains in order to meet with some traders. As he was hoisting his bags inside the old Ambassador, he asked each of his children what they would like him to bring back home. Yanli, the eldest, wished for dresses and jewellery. Cheng, next in line, pleaded for a pure white horse for him to ride on. Finally, he turned to his youngest son, Wei Ying. With a sweet smile, he said, "Father, all I would want is for you to return safely. However, if you can, I would like nothing so much as a purple rose."

Jiang Feng Mian had a successful journey. He had made several profits, had brought Yanli her dresses, and had arranged for a horse to be brought to Cheng. But try as he might, he could not find a purple rose, and hence was deeply disappointed at not being able to fulfil his darling and amadmirable son's wish. As he made the journey home, however, a heavy downpour started. Rain lashed the mountain roads. Feng Mian began to feel worried. If a landslide would occur now, then he would be completely stranded in the middle of nowhere. There was no place he could rest to pass the night. Alas, such a thing did indeed come to pass, and Feng Mian found himself screeching to a halt on seeing a pile of rocks in front of him. The landslide had made it impossible to move forward till morning when help would arrive. However, he needed to find help somewhere. Screwing up his courage, he got out of his car and crossed the rocks, trying to find some succour.

He had almost given up hope when he saw the lights. He moved closer to it and realized there was a valley to the side of the road in which there was a large house. Intending to ask for help, he moved towards it and knocked on the door. The door opened of its own accord and bewildered and wonderstruck, Feng Mian entered. The house had the air of a castle; there were no electric lights, and candles gave out a dim flickering light." Hello?" He asked tentatively. A clear, disembodied voice replied to him. "Welcome, human. As long as you are here, you need to have no fear. You may dine and rest the night." Wondering, Feng Mian entered the next room. A long dining table took pride in place, and the table was set for one. Having dined in style, Jiang Feng Mian then wandered into one of the bedrooms, where he spent his night in comfort.

The next morning, he got up and prepared to leave. However, he had seen no one in the house so far - and this puzzled him. However, he had seen no one in the huge castle. As he left the castle, he suddenly realised he was in the most beautiful garden he had ever seen. Flowers of every colour bloomed in the plants, and hedges were cut to precision. His gaze fell on a single rose plant that held a single purple rose, its downy petals adorned by dewdrops. Feeling pleased, he reached out to puck it by the stem.

The very ground under him trembled and shook, and Feng Mian's eyes locked gazes with a fearsome creature. It was six feet tall, wearing robes of mauve, and was covered entirely in black fur having dark blue eyes.

Jiang Feng Mian took a step backwards, his mouth open in terror. The beast advanced on him: it reached out a hairy hand and grabbed him by the collar.

"Ungrateful human ! "It thundered, "You dine and rest in my house and enjoy my comforts without a single payment. Then you have the audacity to break into my garden and steal my rose!

" I'm terribly sorry Your Highness," stammered the poor merchant, now on his knees." I only wanted a rose for my darling son. All he asked for was a purple rose, and I could not get it anywhere. I did not mean to steal.

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