Chapter 3

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It's almost midnight and Nunew is working on his assignments when all of a sudden his sweet cravings kick in. So he happily put aside his music sheet, put on a hoodie and scurries down the stairs.

"Mama I'm going out to the convenience store for a while to get some snacks." He said as he passes by his mother in the living room, lazily watching TV. "Do you need anything?"

"Not for now, thanks honey." His mama responds while slowing down the volume with the remote. "Do you want Foei to drive you?"

He looks over at his mother as he balances himself on one foot while putting on a sneaker on the other. "It's okay Mama. Feel like I need some fresh air so I'll just walk"

"Okay. Just be safe" she reminds and turns her attention back to the TV screen displaying a man and a woman french-kissing under a mistletoe.

"I will" Nunew scrunches his face at the scene as he closes the door behind him.

The moment he reaches the store, he goes straight to the sweets and desserts section and grabs everything he can fit into the shopping basket not forgetting his macarons as well. There's only one set of macarons left and as he reaches out for it, another small pair of hands does the same. Nunew looks to his right and sees a small girl with ponytails wearing a pink dress looking back at him with pleading eyes. And he just lost it. He takes the one last standing macaron and hands it over to the little girl himself.

"Thank you, Phi." The girl thanks him and skips away in joy back to his mom and Nunew can't help but smile. He can never win against those big pleading eyes and he imagines if that's how it feels like to have a younger sibling. Then, his phone pings a text notification from his mother as he continues browsing through the snacks section so he pulls out his phone from his back pocket and reads the text.

'Nhu, can you buy me a carton of milk please?'

Nunew smiles down at his phone as he turns a corner while he types a respond to his Mama. He's just about to press send when he accidentally bumps into a stranger wearing a black hoodie, the hoodie over his head and a black mask covering half of his face.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Nunew apologises but the stranger in black doesn't respond. Instead, he pulls his hoodie further down his face and walks away, giving off a suspicious vibe.

"Oookay?" Nunew frowns at the stranger's fishy behaviour as he watches him exits the store. "That is one weird guy" He shakes his head and proceeds towards the dairy section to get the request from his mom. Only after he pays at the counter and looking at the two fully packed plastic bags in front of him that he realizes he bought too much. He forgot he walks today.

As he struggles to carry the plastic bags in each hand, he reminds himself — "Nunew Chawarin, you need to learn to control yourself. You can't let food win everytime" — And with that he totters all the way back home.


Zee comes back home, opening the door to his house when he's greeted with Max's booming voice. "Oh hey! You're home!" Max announced, startling him.

"Jesus Christ, max. Can you not scare the shit out of me everytime you're here?" Zee put a hand against his chest, calming his heartbeat.

"Oh c'mon my bike is literally there at your front porch. You blind or something?" Max fights back as he's preparing the table with the dinner food he bought.

Zee tilts his head, confused. He peeks his head  back around the door and just as he was told, Max's bike stood there in the middle of his porch big enough even someone with poor eyesight could see. Zee then scoffs at himself and shakes his head as he closes the door. His body was there but his mind was somewhere else.

"Fine you win" He says, walking lazily towards the dining table.

Max looks at his friend and he can literally see distress written all over his face. "You look like you just came back from the dead. Something wrong?"

"Nah it's nothing. Just my mom." He lies, pulling a chair and taking a seat. Zee lies because he know Max would believe him. All this while Max had always thought that whenever Zee is home late, he actually goes to visit his mom at the mental institution. Except that all that is left of his mom now are just her memories. She had passed away years ago even before he encountered Max again at a coffee shop after being separated from each other ever since they were still kids. They had lost all contact after one of them got adopted and taken away to live with a new family. Yes, Max was his only friend back then when he was at foster house and still his only friend now but he just can't get himself to tell him the truth about what he's been doing, about him going around killing people. He had lost his mother, he can't lose Max too. He's like a brother to him and he's glad that they found each other again.

"Oh you went to see your mom? She's giving you trouble again?"

"Just the usual stubbornness, not wanting to take her medicine that's all." Zee opens the lid of his food container and whines, changing the subject. "Pad thai again?"

"You're welcome" Max responds sarcastically, taking a seat opposite of Zee.

"I'm kidding" Zee chuckles. "Thanks asshole"

They eat their dinner in between chit chats but all that Zee could ever focus on in his mind is the kid he went to watch silently in the shadows at the convenience store, greedily grabbing all the sweet treats he could get his hands on. He wasn't expecting to hear such an angelic voice apologising to him when he got distracted and accidentally bumped himself into him. A voice that suits such a face perfectly.

That can't be the kid I'm supposed to assassinate.

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