Chapter 6

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Zee positions the unconscious Nunew gently in a chair, careful not to hurt the petite frail boy he just abducted right off the road. Zee admits that despite his small body he was one hell of a fighter. It was harder than he thought to knock him out cold. He takes some ropes from the nearby shelf and starts binding Nunew to the chair, making sure that it's not too tight but tight enough that he won't be able to escape.

Once he finished he rope works he stands up and looks down at the sleeping boy. He can't help but wonder what could this boy had possibly done to make someone hate him so much that they want to kill him so bad? He then studies Nunew's pale face. Even under the dim light Zee can see how attractive his face features are from his calm sleeping face, his thick lashes, his chubby cheeks, his moles, and his plum lips.

His plum lips.

Zee finds himself staring at those lips. He then reaches down to trace Nunew's lips with his thumb, gulping down his desire to have a taste of it. Given a different situation he would've stolen a kiss right off of him. He pulls back and sighs, shaking his head.

"Get yourself together, Zee" he scolds himself, pulling himself back to reality and reminding himself the sole purpose of why Nunew is now being captive in his house. "It's not the time to catch feelings."


Nunew wakes up with a throbbing pain in his head. He slowly opens his eyes and is greeted with darkness. He blinks his eyes a few times trying to adjust his visions in the dark. He turns his head to look around but the more he moves the more his head throbs, like thousands of needles stabbing it. As his eyes adjusted he notices that he's in a small room full of shelves and boxes like some kind of a storage room. He tries to move his hands to touch his head but that's when he realizes he's tied to a chair with his hands bound behind his back and feet to each side of the chair's legs. He thanks his few lucky stars that he isn't gagged.

That's when his memories comes flashing back. He was walking in the rain when someone snatched him into the dark alley and knocked him out cold with a cloth over his mouth and nose. He wriggles his hands against the rope that bound them but it's too tight and it only hurts his wrists even more. His movements are also limited as there are ropes around his chest binding him to the chair. He wriggles in his seat again when the door opens and Zee comes in, startling him. He switches on the dim light, barely lighting up the small room but bright enough for Nunew, blinding him so he winces.

Nunew looks at the tall figure with broad shoulders and muscular body. He notices that zee's shirt is a bit too tight, hugging his muscular arms and he finds himself staring at those biceps. He wasn't expecting his kidnapper to look like a runaway model but that doesn't give him excuses to drool over him. After all he kidnaps him so he's still a bad guy.

"You're awake." Zee says as he closes the door behind him and walks over towards Nunew.

"Yeah obviously." Nunew lashes back, mustering up the courage to speak as he pulls at the ropes again, trying to break free.

"You were out for hours I had to check if you were still alive." Zee says. He crouches down in front of Nunew on one knee so that he is at his eye level and looks at him. Nunew suppresses a gasp at how gorgeous his eyes are now he gets a closer look at it.

Nunew clears his throat. "Let's get straight to the point shall we? Who are you and what do you want from me?"

Zee shakes his head. "No, you need to take this first." He holds up a pill and a bottle of water. "To ease the headache because of the chemical you inhaled."

Nunew scoffs. "You're expecting me to trust you and take this pill when you literally just kidnapped me?" He wriggles against the ropes. "Nice try."

Zee sighs, half expecting the response to be that way. "Listen I know you're scared and confused but all I can say is that I'm not the enemy here."

"Then what's all this? Why am I being tied up like this? Let me go!" He thrashes around in his seat aggressively but stops abruptly and winces when his head throbs again. His headache is killing him.

"Open up." Zee moves the pill he's holding closer so it touches Nunew's lips. "It's gonna get worse if you don't take it"

Nunew just stares at him, contemplating whether he should trust him but the major headache he's having tells him that he should just risk it and give it a try. He eventually parts his lips slightly, allowing Zee to insert the pill into his mouth. Zee then twist open the water bottle and holds it against Nunew's lips, helping him to drink it and gulps the pill down. He wipes the excess water that drips from Nunew's mouth with his thumb. Zee's caring gesture shocks him.

'Why is he being so nice?' Nunew thought. He keeps his eyes on Zee as he places the bottle aside and grabs a chair, placing it in front of him.

"Someone had ordered me to kill you. Even blackmailing me when I refused to" Zee says as he takes a seat.

Nunew frowns. "Ordered? What are you, a killing machine?"

"You can say that."

Nunew goes silent. He doesn't know what to respond. So many questions running through his mind. Who wants me dead? What did I do that makes them wanna kill me? Is it something to do with my family? Why me? And most importantly who is this guy? With so many unanswered questions, he looks down to his feet asking one that he knows he can get an answer to. "So you're saying I'm gonna die here?"

"If I had agreed to it you would've been long dead in the alley when I had the knife to your throat."

Hearing that, a wave of relief washes over him. "Then why didn't you?" He asks.

Zee stands up from his seat and moves closer to Nunew, pulling his face up by his chin so that he can look at those eyes again. "Because I saw it in your eyes. I've seen so many before and yours aren't like the others."

Yours are as pure as an angel. Zee thought.

Nunew closes his eyes and pulls his face away. "You're not making any sense right now. If you don't intend to kill me then why am I here?"

"I'm trying to find out who's behind all this" Zee responds calmly, walking back to his chair.

"So you're gonna use me as bait then?" Nunew questions.

"That's not what I meant I—"

Both their heads turn when they hear the front door creaks open and slams shut followed by a voice calling out for Zee.

"Zee, you home?" The voice howls.

"Help m—mmphh!" Nunew takes the chance to scream out for help but Zee's quicker. He goes behind Nunew and clamps his mouth shut with his hand, suppressing his voice but Nunew doesn't give up. He writhes and thrashes around in his bind and keeps screaming against Zee's palm.

"Stop it!" Zee growls through his gritted teeth, startling Nunew. His deep voice reverberates through Nunew's body stopping him dead on track. When he sees Nunew calms a little he moves closer and whispers to Nunew's ear. "Remember I'm not the enemy here but if you scream I'm gonna let you have a taste of what it feels like to be my enemy."

The words send shivers through Nunew's body and he freezes. He doesn't know how much Zee is capable of but from what he saw through his eyes in the alley back there, he really doesn't want to imagine what would happen to him if he disobey.

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