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Kimmy POV:
Hoppo know I'm coming to Bondi not today but it a surprise for him and the boys and blue I might go see Koby and his brothers later today it's been 2 years since I was kidnapped but never got them, I'm thankful that they saved me that day. Here you go miss have a good time a Bondi. Thank you. I went to Hoppo office and kicked on the door. Come in.

Hi Hoppo long time no see.

Kimmy you back. I'm happy to see you.

Yes, I'm back. Here is the letter you gave me before I left. I hope the offer is still good.

Yes, it is. I had one opening it is your like I said in the letter. Let me get your uniform and your bum bag ready.

I'm glad to be back. When do I start working?

Tomorrow but you can go to the tower and spice your brother, cousin and the other boys.

Yes please. I miss my brother cousin and the boys. I go see them soon after we are done here.

Huz POV:
I have a feeling something about to happen but a good thing. So do I cousin. We watched the water we both have the same mark. I hope it a good thing. I feel a pull to Bondi.

Reidy POV:
I feel a pull to Bondi. Hey Huz, you have a mark like I do. Yes, I do. We went back to work.

Hey, the two I need. Hey boys look who is our new lifeguard as tomorrow.

Kimmy POV
Hi boys I'm back. Wait you have the mark too? Yes, we do. I have a feeling that H-men Corey And, Terry knows what this means. Your right we do we tell you after we get off work. Terry said. Okay thank you Terry see you guys after 7 I'm going surfing see you later, I be careful.

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