[February 2023] - Mama_Kas

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Welcome to our interview for this month! We are with this talented author, Mama_Kas, who penned the story, Crimson Queen.

When did you start writing this story? How was your experience while writing it?

I started writing Crimson Queen in summer of 2013. Writing the story was so much fun because it felt like the story was writing itself. I didn't have a moment where I needed to plot ahead.

What do you think are your story's strengths? Why should people read it?

The story's strength is first, it's short. It's more like a novella than anything else. Each chapter moves the story forward. It's about vampires but they're back to being the bad guys. So, if you're looking for a vampire story that doesn't involve romance then this is for you. It has swords and vampires that die in the sunlight.

When you write, what comes first? The plot or the characters?

The characters come first when I write.

Tell us something about your protagonist/s. What do you love most about them?

One of the protagonists, Lucinda, is so head strong. She'll do the right thing even if it causes her something. What I love most about her is that, if she wants something, she'll go for it. She knows what needs to be done and does it.

What are some things that you find more interesting to write in dark fantasy than other genres?

In dark fantasy, I don't need to be shy about things that won't normally be written in other stories like death, corrupt organizations, and there aren't many nice people around. Everyone is out for themselves. People can be selfish and want revenge.

What other genres interest you other than Dark Fantasy? Do you write in them too? If so, tell us more about those works.

Other genres include romance and paranormal. One such series is The Vampire Prince series. In this one, the vampire male lead much actually seduce the heroine because she wants nothing to do with him. Plus, there's also a dating contract.

How do you balance life and trying to write stories at the same time?

I'm not exactly sure. But I've found setting a timeframe to write works for me. So, I need to make sure I start on time and end when the timer is up.

Tell us a few things about your journey on Wattpad. What do you love the most about it?

I never expected my books to garner a lot of interested. While I wanted to share my writing, I didn't think I'd get a huge response. It amazes me that my audience has grown so much over the years. I love the readers the most. I love reading through all the comments even though I can't reply to every one of them. Those make my day.

What are some books that influenced your writing and maybe yourself as a writer?

Some books that influenced my writing were the Morganville vampire series, Warhammer (Malus Darkblade), The Demon Cycle books, The Broken Empire triology, to name a few

What are the challenges in writing dark fantasy? How do you overcome them?

World building has always been a challenge when writing dark fantasy. I need to make sure everything is consistent and I have a map and town names and history ready to choose from (depending on the topography). To overcome thing, I read through Dungeon and Dragons campaigns that I've ran and played in. I like using a lot of generators to help me write.

Is there going to be any further series of this book? If yes, give a little teaser about it.

I'm planning a sequel. Lucinda and Michael continue their journey of getting rid of the remaining vampires along with finding a cure. The disappearance of children has them journeying to a town where everyone is suspect.

Is there another story in the works that you would like to share with the readers?

Currently, I'm writing a paranormal romance story but it isn't dark fantasy.

What are the goals you'd like to accomplish in the future whether in Wattpad or outside it?

A goal I have is to be a published author. I'm currently querying for another YA paranormal novel I write. I definitely want to make a living as a writer.

Thank you so much, Mama_Kas, for being with us and agreeing to our interview. Check out their works below to support them.

The Vampire Prince Goes to Highschool

That's it for this session. Have a fantastic week ahead and see you for our next interview!

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