[May 2023] - BellOfSilence

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Welcome to our interview for this month! We are with this talented author, BellOfSilence, who penned the story, The Grimm Dossier.

What was the most difficult part of writing your story? What was the easiest?

To be honest, the hardest part of writing the story was not the plot or the planning. The hardest part was actually keeping it going. I already had the story in my head and finally 'just' had to write it down - but time was the problem. I set my mind on submitting the story to the Wattys2022 at all costs. But since it didn't come to my attention until June, time was short. There were many moments when I was on the verge of giving up. The deadline was getting closer and closer and I put everything else on the background : hobbies & leisure. I often asked myself if it was worth the stress. Or if I shouldn't just take part next year and write the story in peace? Some evenings were really hard. But I just didn't want to give up and thanks to the support of my friends and boyfriend I didn't in the end. And for that I am incredibly grateful today!

The easiest part of the story for me was the characters, especially Kyle Crowford. Kyle builds on a pen and paper character I played myself for many years. So it was easy to define weaknesses and strengths, even though the Kyle in the book stands out in various ways. It was great fun to put Benjamin Archer at his side and they both still have some secrets to uncover and adventures ahead.

What do you think are your story's strengths? Why should people read it?

It's always hard for me to praise my own story to the skies. So... If a reader wants to experience a suspenseful mystery story in a Victorian flair, likes mysteries and occult themes as well as paranormal beings, who likes a little creepiness, multi-layered characters that are not all revealed in the first book and twists - then I recommend The Grimm Dossier. If you want to get involved with the mixture of dark fantasy and Victorian flair, you will definitely enjoy it!

When you write, what comes first? The plot or the characters?

For me, the plot comes first. The plot can challenge, influence and change characters. A well-written plot should always affect the characters. Good characters will emerge if the characters can prove themselves in the plot. I always create the plot first and then think about which characters would make it more interesting. What situations would particularly challenge characters with trait XY? Circumstances make characters more interesting and strong.

How would you describe your main protagonist(s) in one word and why?

Magnificent - He's fancy as [redacted], quick-witted like a sly fox, never at a loss for words, and charming, clever and articulate. Kyle knows how to make an entrance. His confidence borders on arrogance... and the worst thing is: he is aware of it :D

What drew you to Dark Fantasy? What about this genre attracted you the most?

Dark Fantasy, for me, plays on people's fears and trepidation of the unknown in the mists. It has a sinister flair that makes your pulse race higher and you wonder what might be hiding in an old mansion or the dense forest. Serious, dark themes with the mix of fantasy and thrills is a wonderful blend. You can't be sure if something terrible might happen to the heroes or what might be lurking around the next corner.

What other genres interest you other than Dark Fantasy? Do you write in them too? If so, tell us more about those works.

In addition to Dark Fantasy, I write Historical Fantasy, fables and sagas, and fairy tales (though often with a dark or macabre twist).

For example, my stories 'The Queen of Arrows' and 'A Ballad of Heroes' are in the historical fantasy genre. The Queen of Arrows is a prequel to the stories of Robin Hood from the point of view of Maid Marian as the protagonist.

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