Controlling - Jeff the Killer

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You and Jeff had been together for as long as you both could remember. You were childhood best friends and enjoyed every minute of each other's company. Growing up with him was like a dream, and you thought you had found the perfect guy and that nothing would change between you two. As you guys got to high school, everything was amazing. You both got even closer and even graduated together. Jeff ended up asking if you would like to be his girlfriend. Of course, you accepted, excited to see what the future had in store for your newfound relationship.

Your relationship was everything you could ever ask for. He would buy you your favorite flowers every week, take you out on late-night drives and mini runs to the nearest gas station for snacks, take you out on cute little dates or expensive dates if the occasion was special and he would spoil you. Anything that caught your eye while you were out and about, he would go back later and buy it, wrapping it up like a present for you to open later that night.

One night is all it took to change everything between you and him. You were out with your friend for her 20th birthday party. You haven't seen her in so long that you ended up losing track of time. She said her final goodbyes, hugging you tightly after she dropped you off and walked you up to the apartment you and Jeff share.

You sigh happily as you slide the key into the lock, opening the door. Walking inside the dark apartment, you shut the door quietly, not wanting to make noise since you thought Jeff was asleep. You then get blinded by a strong light getting flicked on and see Jeff standing in the kitchen doorway. You smile, realizing it was just him. You go to say something but quickly got cut off, "Where were you..?" he said in a low voice. You look at him strangely but answer the question anyway. "I told you I was out with my friend for her birthday party. I'm sorry, I must have lost track of time! I didn't realize it was this late.." He made a "tsk" noise, annoyed with your answer. He walked up to you, grabbing you by your chin and making you look into his eyes. "Are you sure you were just out with your friend?" his voice got lower. "There were a few other old friends there.." you say. He sighs as he reaches his hand up your back and forcefully grabs a handful of your hair, pulling your head back. It sent a shock of pain through your body, and you gasped at his sudden action.

"Who else was there... hm?" He asks, looking at you. You stood still in fear, as he had never done anything like this before. Your eyes started filling up with tears as he gripped your hair harder and started to yell. "TELL ME WHO ELSE WAS THERE!" You start letting out shakey breaths, finally getting out the names of those who were there. "Nina, Jane, EJ, BEN-" he throws you to the floor out of rage, hearing his old friend's name come out of your mouth. "BEN?!" he yells. "You know I've told you to stay away from him y/n.."  he said, growling in anger.

You sit up slightly off the ground, rubbing your head from the impact and the hair grabbing. You look up at your once sweet boyfriend who was now angry and filled with hate. "I didn't know he would be there, Jeff, I swear..!" You start crying with how angry he's gotten over something that happened so long ago. He huffs as he gets in your face again, "I don't want you going out anymore unless it's with me." he says ever so seriously. "Do you understand
y/n..?" he looks at you as you nod your head quickly, still shaken up. "y-yes.." You say after a while. He smiles softly at you and gently cups your face, wiping the tears he caused away. "You know I only want to protect you... right, my love?" You smile a little and nod your head again. "Good." he says, helping you up off the ground and leading you to the bedroom.

You walk into the bathroom and quickly change into something comfy. Walking out, you put your dirty clothes into the hamper and see Jeff on your phone. "W-What are you doing..?" you ask softly. He looks up at you with a blank expression. "I want you to have your location on at all times so I know where you're at. And if you don't, I'm going to have to put a tracker on your phone so I know exactly where you are. Even when you're at work." A frown took over your face as you hear those words. He never asked for your location before, so why is he suddenly doing this, you thought. You nod your head slightly as you walk over to him and lay down on the bed. He puts your phone on the charger and gently sets it down on the nightstand. You feel the covers pull over both of you and a pair of arms wrap tightly around your waist, pulling you in closer. "I love you so much.." he whispers, his breath hitting the back of your neck sending shivers down your spine. "I love you too, Jeff... " You say as you slowly doze off.

After this day, Jeff always had his eyes on you. When he wasn't around, he would have his friends follow you and send him pictures or videos of what you were doing. And when he was around, you weren't allowed to look at anybody. If he caught you even taking a glimpse at another guy he would get mad and you would get hit or "punished" as he would say as soon as you got home for staring at someone that wasn't him. He even made you cut off all contact with your friends and family, saying that they just want to ruin your relationship with him and that he's the only thing you should be focused on.

Anytime your friends would try and call, it would be transferred straight to Jeff's phone. He'd answer and say you were busy and can't talk right now. They even tried to come over and check on you. Jeff never gave an honest answer to them etheir. "She's not home right now.." he would always say. Even at work, weren't safe. Jeff always had his brother keep a close eye on you. He sits in a small corner at the coffee shop you work at. You weren't allowed to talk to or answer any questions your friends ask. Not during or after work, as Jeff would always come to pick you up right on time.

No matter how trapped you felt or how many times your friends begged and said, "y/n.. this isn't good for you, please just leave him and find somebody better.." You could never see or find yourself leaving the sweet boy you fell in love with all those years ago.

THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!! I'll try and upload a new chapter to this book every day or when I have free time!

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