Insecure - The Puppeteer

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You met him at your niece's 5th birthday party. He was putting on a puppet show for the kids. You stood in the doorway of the kitchen watching him as all the kids laughed and enjoyed the show. You were distracted by how handsome he was. You were soon snapped out of your thoughts as your sister tapped on your shoulder. "Hey, come on! We need to get this food out to the table." You nodded as you smiled to yourself, turning away from the living room. He had seen you staring, he pretended not to notice. He had a sly smirk on his face as he continued with the show.

After the party was over, you were helping your parents clean up. You saw him packing up his puppets and the little stage into his truck. "I have to do this now, or I probably won't ever see him again..!" you thought to yourself. You quickly ran up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hi, I was wondering if I could get your number?? I just thought you were really cute and -" he cut you off. "I was going to ask you the same thing.." he said. You smiled brightly as you grabbed your phone, shaking a little out of excitement. He gave you his number, and you saved it to your contacts thanking him. He gave you a soft smile as he climbed into his truck, shutting the door. He rolled his window down and said, "I never got your name.." You gasp, nodding your head "It's y/n!" you say happily. "Well.. you are very beautiful
y/n~." That was enough to get your heartbeat racing. "W-What's your name?" You stutter out. "It's Jonathan, my dear.." He then started up the truck and pulled out of the driveway. You giggle to yourself as you had a slight pink blush spread across your cheeks. You quickly went back inside to help finish cleaning up.

You finally went home after a long day and quickly changed into your pjs and flopped onto your bed. That's when you saw a text from him. Jonathan. You squeal as you two begin texting back and forth, getting to know each other better.

A few weeks went by, and you two were hitting it off. The weeks turned into months, and you guys started dating. He was the most romantic guy you've ever met. He never failed to make you smile or leave you in awe with his surprises. He would take you out on dates to fancy restaurants, always surprise you with roses, buy you gifts, make you breakfast in bed, and take you out anywhere you wanted, he especially loved to show you off. He gave you what you like to call Princess treatment, and you never got tired of it.

You were about 5 months into the relationship, and Jonathan decided to take you out to do some shopping at a new store you wanted to go to. You were wearing a simple crop top and some ripped jeans. You were looking through the racks of clothes as you held your boyfriend's hand. You didn't notice the group of guys staring at you from afar, but he did, he noticed everything. He quickly got in front of you and pulled you to the side. "Why are you wearing that.." he asked you bluntly. You look down at your outfit. "What do you mean? It's just a crop top and some jeans.." He tsked and looked away. "There's so many guys staring... Do you not care if they stare at you..?!" I looked at him confused as I looked up and saw the group of guys looking in our direction. "It's nothing inappropriate, my love.." you said, gripping his hand. "I should be the only one that gets to look at you like that.." He pointed to the group of guys that quickly looked away. You sigh as you go back to looking through the rack's of clothes.

You found a few things that caught your attention. You quickly ran into the dressing room while Jonathan waited for you outside. Each time you came out, he looked at you and then at the clothes you had on. He would shake his head or make a disgusted face. "No, I don't like that one." "Go change. You're showing too much skin."That skirt is too short."It doesn't even cover your stomach." "Your chest area is almost exposed..!" "Do you know how many guys are going to be looking at you if they see you wearing that..?!" You sigh hearing him disagree with every outfit you put on.

After you got out of the dressing room, you went to go put the clothes back. While you're doing that, he found some clothes that fit his expectations of you. You went back to try the clothes he got for you on, him smiling every time you came out. "See? That's much better. No skin is showing. I don't want you so exposed when you're out with me." You nod your head, forcing a small smile as you go back in to change. You walk out handing him the clothes and holding his hand as you both start walking to the register. You wait patiently while he pays for the clothes he picked out for you.

After you got home, you started placing the new clothes inside your closet. Jonathan came up behind you and began taking out your old clothes and throwing them onto the floor. "Wait, babe, what are you doing?! Those are my clothes!" You say grabbing his wrist. "You're going to get rid of these today. You don't need them anymore.." he says as he snatches his arm away. "That's not fair! I used to wear these clothes all the time!! Why are you suddenly worried about what I wear..?!" You quickly cover your mouth as you didn't mean to yell at him. He glares at you. "You don't tell me what to do. I'm the one who pays for everything! You get rid of these now, and when I come back, I don't want to see them in your closet anymore. If I do.. were done." he says as he grabs his keys leaving, slamming the door harshly behind him.

You kick the closet door, your foot leaving a crack behind as you fall to the floor sobbing. "Why is he acting like this..!" You cry out, punching the floor. After a few minutes, you calm down and walk to the bathroom to clean yourself up. You sigh as you pick up your old clothes and stuff them into a trash bag. You go outside to the trashcan and stare at it. You slowly open the lid and put the clothes in the bin. You walk back inside and finish putting up your new clothes.

After about an hour, Jonathan comes back, pleased to see that you did what you were told. "See? That wasn't so hard now, was it??" You shake your head, forcing a smile. "I'm sorry I yelled at you... I don't know what came over me.." he smiles softly as he walks over to you and leaves small kisses on your face.
"That's okay, baby... I know you didn't mean to lash out at me. I'm just glad you made the right choice.. " he says as he picks you up, sitting down on the couch with you on his lap. "Men nowadays love to look at things that aren't theirs... You're mine. I'm the only one who can see you exposed. I'm doing this for you, my darling.. ok?" he says as he runs his thumb over your lip. You nod as you let your body fall against his. "He's doing this for me... I'm his. Only his." You whisper into his neck. "Only mine." he says, rubbing your back.

I'm on a roll with these stories WOW. Please let me know what you guys think in the comments! THANKS FOR READING!!!

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