Abusive/Jealousy - Tim

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You met Tim in college. You had gotten assigned as partners for a major project. That's how you got here. You two became great friends along with his friend Brian. You hung out with them all the time, going on late-night drives, and blasting music was your favorite thing to do with them. They were always there for you no matter what, and you were always there for them.

When he was finally comfortable, Tim decided to tell you about his disorder. You learned that he suffered from schizophrenia and needed pills to help control it. He hoped it wouldn't ruin anything between you guys. You swore to him that it would never get in the way of anything and that everything would be ok.

He's never felt so comfortable or relaxed with anybody unless it was Brian. You sparked something inside him. He adored you. No. He loved you. He never wanted you to leave. He wanted you with him all the time. So he asked you to be his girlfriend. Of course you accepted, but there was a lot more in store for you than you anticipated.

There were times Tim would have freakouts when he didn't have any more pills or couldn't find them. He would also get violent with you. You didn't think it could get this bad until you were looking at yourself in the mirror with a bloody nose and bruised cheek. "H-Hey y/n..?" Tim said as he walked into the bathroom. You flinched, hearing his voice as you looked at him through the mirror. "Hey baby... Did you calm down?" you asked softly. He nodded as went up and hugged you from behind. He started to sob quietly, which slowly turned into loud sobs of regret. "I'm so sorry for hitting you y/n... I didn't mean to hurt you..!" he says as he hides his face in the crook of your neck. You sigh softly as you turn around and cup his face, wiping his tears. "Shhhh..." You say as you lean your forehead against his. "I know you didn't mean to, my love... You didn't have any more pills. You couldn't control it." He hugs you tighter as you stroke his hair. It was times like this that he felt the safest. You were his safe place.

After you finished cleaning your nose and patching up your cheek, you lay down in bed with Tim for a little while until he finally fell asleep. You smile, leaving a soft kiss on his head. You get up and write a note, leaving it on the nightstand beside your shared bed. "I'll be back, my love, I'm going to go get a refill for your pills." The note read. You put your shoes and jacket on, grabbing your keys and purse in the process. You quietly open the door and close it, doing your best not to disturb your sleeping boyfriend inside.

As you're walking to your car, you hear a voice call out to you. "Hey y/n!!" the voice yells. You turn around and see Brian walking your way. "Oh hey Brian!" you say cheerfully, waving in his direction. "Where are you off to??" he asks curiously. "Just making a quick trip to the pharmacy for Tim while he sleeps." You say leaning against your car. "Oh? Can I tag along then? I actually need a few things from the store - if you don't mind, that is?" You smile and nod. "Of course not! Let's go before he wakes up." You say as you get into your car, Brian getting in after you.

You drive to the store and get Tim's medicine, while Brian does his own thing. You and Brian end up staying in the store for a little more than you wanted, goofing off in the aisles. "Hey, we should get back now, ok? you say, laughing as you tug on Brian's hoodie. "Yeah, yeah, okkkkkk-" he chuckles as he follows you out and back to the car. You drive back home, the both of you getting out and walking up to the door. You unlock it and walk in seeing Tim sitting on the couch watching TV with a cigarette in his mouth. He turns around, hearing your footsteps behind him. "Oh hi my love, you're awake!" You run up to him and hug him from behind, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Yeah... I woke up a little while ago... Why did you take so long at the pharmacy?" He asks, looking back and seeing Brian. "That would be my fault -" Brian chuckles as he raises his hand guilty. He plops down on the couch next to Tim. "We were goofing around in the isles a little bit," you say giggling. "Here's your medicine, though, you say, handing Tim the bag. "Thanks.." he says as he quickly opens the bag, then the bottle of pills taking one in his mouth and chugging it down with water. "Much better.." he says, sighing as he leans into your touch.

After a while of talking and enjoying Brian's company, it starts getting late. "Well, I should probably start heading home." Brian says, punching Tim lightly on the shoulder. "It's pretty dark.. Do you want me to give you a ride??" you ask, looking out the window. "Nah, it's alright, I'll walk. I'll text Tim when I'm home." he says, giving you a side hug. "Ok, if you insist, just please be careful." You say returning the hug. He smiles as he makes his way to the door, taking his leave. You smile and wave as he opens the door and walks out. You walk over and lock the door as you sigh and look over at Tim. "Wanna watch a movie before -" You get cut off by Tim's voice. "You like him better than me... Don't you y/n..?" You tilt your head confused at the sudden accusations. "Tim, what are you talking about??" You ask, sitting down at the table with him. "Don't play dumb
y/n. I know you like Brian more than me. He's normal. He's not a schizophrenic like me... Do you pity me? Is that it?! You feel bad because of my disorder, don't you..?" He says, looking down, fidgeting with his fingers. "No! That's not it at all, Tim! You're misunderstanding something.. I love you. Not Brian. Only you." Hearing those words set something off in him. Next thing you know, you're on the floor trying to push Tim off of you. Then, your vision gets blurry, and then pitch black.

You wake up the next morning with a horrible headache. You try sitting up but flop right back down. You hear Tim come in the room. He looks down at you, scanning your body. He drops to the floor, shaking at the sight of you. "W-What have I done..." he scoots back into a corner, pulling his knees up to his chest as tears start forming in his eyes. Holding your head in your hands, you manage to get up and walk to the bathroom. You turn the light on and look in the mirror. What you saw left you speechless. You had cuts, bruises, and dried-up blood all over your upper body. You touch your face, instantly wincing at the pain. "H-Holy shit.." You say softly as you run your hands over the new wounds on your arms, torso, and stomach. "Did he do this out of jealousy..?" you ask yourself quietly.

You peak out and see Tim gripping the pill bottle in his hand. He looks up at you and slowly crawls over. He grips onto your leg. "I didn't mean to... please forgive me... I- I- please.. y/n, please..." he says through sobs. You lean down next to him and hold him tightly. "S-Shhhh... it's ok... I forgive you.." You whisper near his ear. All you hear throughout the room is Tim's sobs as you try to comfort him. After he finally calmed down, he helped you patch and bandage every last wound he left. You sat in bed with Tim all day. You never left his side, and he never left yours. You guys even followed each other to the bathroom. With the help of him leading you, of course. You both agreed not to invite Brian over for a while until Tim got over his jealousy. There were no promises, though. He still lashed out at you, some of his actions being caused because of his schizophrenia and some being caused completely on his own.

Nevertheless, you still stayed with him. Not because you felt bad but because you cared deeply for Tim. No matter what happened or what he did. Sure, there were some things he could control and some things he couldn't, but you were used to it by now. Even if he never got over his jealousy, you wouldn't ask for anyone else. You loved Tim.

Tbh, idk what to call this chapter- It's all based on Tim's disorder, jealousy, and abuse, so do with this info as you please.

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