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Luca POV

When I woke up, it wasn't from Kayden. It was Jacob turning on my light and telling me I had my appoitment. I whined and sat up, rubbing my eyes and adjusting to the brightness.
"Cmon Babe, you've gotta get dressed." He said, making me groan and nod a little. I sat in bed for a couple minutes before dragging myself out, digging through the drawers and picking out a pair of baggy, balck jeans and a green and black stripped long sleeve. I quickly changed my clothes, grabbing black socks and putting them on too. I don't think I slept too late, but I guess I did if Jacob woke me up. I lazily walked out to the kitchen, Jacob already putting his shoes on.

"Come here, lemme help get your shoes on." He offered, finishing tying his laces and grabbing my shoes. I nodded a little and let him, sitting down. He quickly slid them on, laced them up, and then grabbing his phone from the table next to me.
I sniffled and stood up, following Jacob out the front door and into his truck.
"You got it, Babe?" He asked, watching me climb up into the tall ass truck.
"Yeah.." I mumbled, sitting down and slamming the door shut. I buckled myself in while he turned the key in the ignition, pulling out of the driveway.

Once we got into the lobby, it only took a couple minutes for my therapist, Justin, to come retrieve me and take me back to his office.
"Okay, well take a seat where ever and let's get started." He said as he walking into his office, gesturing to a round table with 4 chairs. I sat down in the chair closest to the corner. I don't really wanna keep looking behind me and give Justin a reason to put me on more meds. I know Kayden says it's not a bad thing, but I don't wanna take meds.
"You missed our last session, was there any particular reason?" He asked, sitting across from me at the table.
"Yeah, Kayden and me forgot about my appoitment until after it would've been over." I explained, starting to pick at my eyebrows. He nodded before sighing and relaxing in his chair.
"So, what's the reason you got a therapist?" He asked, comoletley turning the conversation around.

"Uh.." I started, having to think about the question, "I mean, I guess it was cause of all the mood swings I've been having and just being sensitive in general."
"Mmm.. I was told something about self harm? Does that also contribute to it?" He continued.
"Uh, yeah." I said, beginning to examine his walls. It was a couple canvases with repetitive and predictable quotes on top of pictures.
"So when did that start?" He asked.
"Like, 9th grade? I think, I don't know completely for sure." I mumbled, looking back at him. He was still just sitting, calm as could be.
"Wow.. that's what? 5 years?" He observed, making me nod. Yeah I guess so, never realized it was that long.
"Well that makes more sense as to why it's your first response to everything. It's been your main coping skill for half a decade."
"Yeah, that makes sense." I agreed, still not exactly comfortable with him.

"Was there a main reason you started? That you can remember, there's always a reason." He continued to interrogate me, looking over my whole self.
"Well, I guess it's cause my friends introduced it as a coping skill and there was alot going on for me at the time so I ended up using it." I replied, only just this second uncoverung the most probable main cause.
"If you don't mind me asking," He started. Oh no, he's gonna ask what was exactly going on.
"What was really happening when you said 'alot was going on for you'?" I sighed and took a second before starting.
"Well, my mom and dad were finalizing a divorce, my mental health was declining, I was having to go to the hospital alot-" I explained, getting cut off the second the last reason left my mouth.
"Why were you in the hospital?" He asked.

"I-I mean, my mom kinda stopped getting stuff for the house and I couldn't really do anything for it myself, cause I couldn't really get an interview for a job." I explained, stopping hallway through and looking to make sure he was still listening. He was.
"And, she said if I went to a food pantry or anything CPS would take me and the foster families would be alot worse. So I ended up fainting alot and that stuff" I finished, finally taking my hand away from my face and stopping picking.
"That would do it." Was all he said for a bit.
"When did you get diagnosed with clinical depression?" He asked, once again changing the subject of conversation.

"11 grade I think." I said, resisting the urge to check the time on my phone. I feel like that would be rude, but he doesn't have a clock in here either.
"How did your mom take to that?"
"Bad, I'd say. She took me from the doctor's office and was pretty much saying 'that's a scam', 'guys can't be deoressed', 'you're just like your dad'." I said. Maybe therapy is a good idea, at this rate I might actually feel better.
"I think we both know, the first two aren't true. I can't say much about the last, I don't know who your father is or how he acts. Let alone how you act." He said, making me smile a bit. I hope thus isn't completely miserable.

The rest of the hour and a half was spent with me answering somewhat uncomfortable questions, and at some points very uncomfortable ones.
"Shit, our times up." He realized, looking behind me. I turned and saw a clock showing 2:34. I guess he does have a clock in here. He pushed his chair out and stood up, me following his lead. I pushed my chair back in and followed him back out to the lobby where Jacob was waiting. And he was talking to someone in the lobby next to him. Only when I was a couple steps away from him did he look up at us.
"Well, you're good to go. I have to go hunt down someone else, have a safe drive." He said, patting me on the back before leaving.
"Hey, Hun." Jacob said, getting a look from the person he was just talking to.
"Hi.." I mumbled, starting to pick around my nails.

"Well, it was great talking to you." Jacob said to the girl sitting next to him before standing up and leading me out to the truck. I guess the session made me wanna be little cause by the time we were in the truck, I was regressed. And I wasn't any bigger by the time we got home.
"Come on, Babes." He said, opening my door and helping me out. I whined when he put me on my own feet instead of carrying me, but I let him unlock the door anyways. I reluctantly walked in on my own, Jacob getting my attention as soon as he came in behind me.
"It's your nap time, Babe." He reminded me, closing the front door and making me pout.
"Off you go, come on." He encouraged me, gently pushing me to the bedroom. I half resisted, more complaining than actually resisting. He brought me into the bedroom and lifted me into bed before covering me with a blanket. I squirmed and was gonna sit up until he pushed a paci in my mouth and scratched my head. Maybe I am sleepy.

By the time I woke up, Kayden was home and I was big again. In and out today I guess. Although, it's probably good I woke up big considering my dream. It wasn't exactly safe for work and when I woke up, I had cum in my boxers. I frowned a bit at the fact my boxers were dirty and that I still had a boner. I slid out of bed, grabbing a pair of new boxers out of the dresser and walking into the bathroom. I changed the dirty ones for the clean, not wanting to put my jeans back in but doing it anyways. I tossed my dirty clothes into the basket on my way to the kitchen. Kayden was standing near the washer, probably doing a load. I walked up behind him, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Aw, Hi Babe." He greeted me, rubbing my back. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek, making him smile a bit.
"Hey." I mumbled.

I kinda laid like that for a minute until he pulled me into a hug, effectively pressing my boner against him.
"You excited for something?" He asked after he pulled away, smirking at me.
"No.. just a dream." I quietly said, not looking at him.
"About what?" He asked, definetly knowing the answer already. Do I really have to say it?
"Mm.. about you." I answered. He smiled and gently rubbed my sides before asking me something else.
"What about me?" I felt dick twitch in my jeans from the slight humiliation. Why am I getting turned on by this?
"You gave me hickies.." I said, shivers running down my spine.
"Aw, did it make you horny?" He asked, making me nod.

"Well, you're gonna have to wait until Jacob goes to bed." He said. Well, he's not exactly making that easy but I guess I will.
"You're such a good boy, thank you." He praised me after I agreed. He kissed my head and got back to the laundry he was doing. I really hope Jacob goes to bed early tonight.

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