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Before you read this chapter, it's gonna be a huge TW for domestic assault and sexual assault. I'll put a separate warning when the SA is about to happen, but please read with caution.

Luca POV

I decided not to tell Justin. It wasn't an easy choice, though! I had to really think about what Jacob would want. I don't think he would want me to make him talk to Justin about what Kayden did. I don't like talking about my momma, so I can only imagine talking about something that just happened this morning. He let me leave and walked me out to the lobby. I told him bye and walked out to Kayden's car, waiting for him to notice me before getting in his car. I stood there for a couple of seconds before just deciding to get in anyway. I sat down in the passenger seat, in seconds, getting yelled at.
"Are you really just gonna get in and not even say hi?" He asked, setting down his phone.

"Sorry, I just thought you were busy..." I explained.
"Don't just assume, 'cause you're already stupid, so your assuming isn't ever even right." He degraded me. I was going to agree with him, but when I opened my mouth, he backhanded me in the cheek. I sniffled and just tried to take it like a big kid, but I could feel myself getting little again. I don't want to, Papa shouldn't have to deal with me when I get back home.
"Oh, don't cry now." He groaned, turning on the car and pulling out of the parking lot. I sniffled and looked out the window, rubbing away any possible tears that might fall.

When he pulled into the driveway, I was almost instantly out of the car and into the house, reaching up for Papa.
"Papa, please up..." I whispered, reaching up toward him. He instantly picked me up, rubbing my back and making me smile. He gently kissed my cheek as Dady walked in, slamming the door behind him. Which made Jacob flinch. Dady didn't really talk to me. he just gave me a dirty look and walked into the bedroom.

For about 25 minutes after I got home, Papa was talkative and energetic. I also didn't fail to notice how big his pupils looked compared to normal. On the other hand, I was slumped. I was so tired that I couldn't see straight. I stumbled after Papa into the living room, climbing onto the couch and laying my head on his lap. Admittedly, he was super comfy, and I fell asleep quickly. Though, I woke up to the two of them arguing in the hallway. I tried to get up, I guess too fast, because I quickly got dizzy and light-headed, making me stumble and feel burning hot. My ears started ringing, and all of my vision was black, so I clumsily sat down, putting my head between my knees. I'm somewhat used to this, so it's not completely terrifying. But it's still kind of scary.

I tried to breathe but could feel my chest constricting. I need to eat something, but I can't do that while I'm literally blind.
"Why the hell are you on that stuff again?! You know what happened last time!" Dady yelled before there was a thud against the drywall. What if he hit Papa? I willed my vision to come back faster as the black slowly faded in spots. When it finally was gone, I snapped my head over to them, trying to evaluate the situation. There was a hole in the wall, which probably shouldn't have calmed me down the way it did.
"Because, Kayden, I can't stand how you are when you're un-medicated! You can't just quit taking your pills and expect nothing to change." He argued, clearly making Dady even angrier.

"How do I have to do with your relapse? You can't blame everyone other than yourself and then expect everyone to support you!" He screamed, making me stand up. I got a little dizzy again, but when I grabbed the couch arm and stood for a second, it went away.
"Whatever, Kayden," He said, finally looking over and seeing me. I wasn't crying this time, for once, but I don't miss it. I hate being emotional, or at least visibly emotional.
"No, you're not just gonna walk away -" Dady tried to keep arguing, getting cut off.
"I said whatever! I'm not arguing right now when Luca's little." Dady looked over at me, and I didn't recognize him anymore. He looked so different than when he first met me.
"So he dictates what you do? Can't even do something on your own anymore?" He incited Papa before looking at me again. I don't like being in the middle of this. He quickly shoved Papa to the ground, and I saw his head hit the wooden floor. He didn't get up, but I think he was breathing still.

[TW for implied SA/ SA]
He didn't say anything else before quickly striding over to me. He reached out for me, and I quickly held up my hands in front of his, beginning to cry.
"No, no, Dady, stop it!" I wailed as he grabbed my hair. He pushed me onto the couch and started pulling at my sweatpants.
"Please! No, stop!" I tried to plead with him, but he didn't care. He didn't let go of my hair as he pulled his own down, along with his boxers.

I couldn't do anything to stop him. I tried kicking, and that's the only time he let go of my hair, for just a second to hit me across the face. I quit fighting back after that, I just tried to disassociate from it, which only partially worked. I could still feel everything, but I tried to focus on the walls. I found a little part where the paint was picked off, and it looked like a butterfly. I felt him take his penis out and heard his belt as he put his pants back on. He grabbed my hand and yanked me up, forcing me back to reality. He pulled me onto my feet, my pants still off, and pushed me over to Jacob. He was still laying on the floor, but I could see his chest rise and fall. Dady forced me onto my knees, making me try and catch myself as he shoved me down.
"You're just a free-use whore, aren't you?" He asked, standing above me. I didn't answer, just noticed my shirt barely went down to my thighs.
"Answer me!" He demanded, grabbing my face.

"Y-yeah..." I quietly agreed, my tears running down my face and onto his hand. He let go but started messing with Papa's jeans.
"No, no, Papa!" I shouted, trying to shake him. I kept shaking him by the shoulders until Kayden yanked me by the hair closer to him. Papa's penis is out and I know he's gonna make me do something to it.
"Suck it, dumb bitch. That's all your good for," He demanded, pushing my head closer and closer. I shook my head and tried to push against his hand, but he just did it harder. I closed my mouth and tried to just breathe through my nose. Kayden didn't like that. He let go, making me quickly pull my head away and scoot closer to Papa's chest. I saw Papa stir out of the corner of my eye, but I was busy watching Kayden. He was livid. Kayden leaned on the hallway's frame before turning and walking into the bedroom. Papa sat up, resting on his elbows.

"Papa, 'M sorry... I'm so sorry," I tried to tell him as he pulled up his boxers. He didn't mess with his jeans just grabbed his phone, car keys, and wallet from them. He roughly pulled me onto my feet and checked the bedroom door was closed before firmly guiding me past, into the kitchen and the front door. He quickly opened it and let me out first.
"Get in my truck," He quickly instructed, unlocking it and walking out behind me. It was raining and I only had socks on, but I didn't care. I ran out and into the driveway, over to Papa's truck, and got in as fast as I could. He got in the driver's side seconds after I shut my door. He shut his hard and locked the car before putting the keys in the ignition and pulling out of the driveway.

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