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Kayden POV

Maybe I should ask Jacob about how he feels about Luca. I'll probably forget after he goes inpatient and this us probably the only 1 on 1 time we'll get before he does go inpatient.
"Hey, I just wanted to ask you something before you got sent to Valle Vista. And no matter your answer, you're not gonna get kicked out or shunned or anything." I prefaced my question, looking like I scared him more than I comforted him.
"Okay.." He said, examining my body language.
"Well, I'm just gonna ask. Do you like Luca? As in romantically." I asked bluntly.
"I mean, yeah.. And I've liked you too for a bit and I know you're poly-" He started, getting cut off by me.
"I'm fine with that. Honestly, I've liked you for a while too and I'm fine with you dating Luca too. I was more asking to confirm" I told him, giving him a small smile.

"I can ask Luca about his feelings on it and if he's down, I'm down. But if he doesn't want to then I'm not making him." I said.
"Yeah, don't wanna shove him into dating me or anything." He agreed, picking back up his packet.
"You're still on that?" I asked, scooting my chair closer and looking at it.
"Yeah, it's so confusing." He complained.
"Let me help you, you're just gonna have to sign it after." I said, grabbing the packet and pen.

A couple of hours later, we were waking Luca up to say goodbye since the ambulance was here.
"Mm.. bye bye." He whined, sitting up and hugging Jacob close. Jacob kissed the top of his head before sitting on the stretcher, getting strapped in, and wheeled out of the hospital. I grabbed Luca's phone from the bed before helping him down. We already got the discharge papers done in the packet for Valle Vista so we just were waiting for the ambulance to get Jacob before we could go.
"Cmon, Baby. Lets get you home and get some food in you." I mumbled, guiding him back out to the lobby then the parking lot. I opened the door for him and quickly buckled him up before getting in on the driver's side.

The car ride was alright, it was when we got home that he started getting upset again.
"You have to eat. I can't negotiate with you on this." I told him, setting a plate in front of him. I know he doesn't wanna eat cause he misses Jacob, but the doctor told me he can't really miss anymore meals.
"Jacob..?" He quietly asked, looking up at me.
"I know, Babe. But we get to call him tonight, mkay? You gotta eat though." I told him, rubbing his head. He picked up his fork and pouted at it a bit before actually starting to eat it.

"Dady.. I done." Luca whined, kicking his legs. I glanced at him plate and saw he didn't eat a whole lot of it.
"Luca.." I mumbled, sighing. "You need to eat something else. I can get you a snack, but you've gotta get something else." He whined and slouched down in his chair.
"No.." He whined, beginning to stomp.
"Hey, I'm not doing tantrums today." I said, grabbing his plate and throwing it out.
"I wan Jacob!" He complained, sniffling and his tears filling his eyes.
"I know, but you have to wait for him to call. He gets one at like 7, so it's only an hour." I tried to console him, pulling his chair away from the table. He quickly stood up and wrapped his arms around me, burying his face in my chest. I rubbed his back, holding him close.

"How about we go watch a movie? You can cuddle Jupiter and everything." I offered, lifting him into my arms. He gently nodded and laid against me as I carried him to the bedroom. I grabbed the remote and quickly turned on a Disney movie. I normally put them on cause I don't even need to look through them to make sure they're appropriate, they're Disney. The one I put on was Mulon I'm pretty sure. I sat Luca down on the bed, kissing his forehead.
"Let me go get your snack." I mumbled before walking back to the kitchen and grabbing an applesauce from the top cabinet. I snatched a spoon from the drawer on my way back to the bedroom and walked in on Luca rocking in bed.

"Come here." I told him, closing the door back behind me and sitting on the bed. He turned around and crawled up to me, climbing into my lap. I opened it for him and handed him the spoon as I switched my focus to the movie I turned on. I had seen it before but not in a while and I forgot how it started.

"Papa..?" Luca eventually asked, snapping my focus from the movie.
"What is it?" I asked, grabbing his empty container from him.
"Is cold.." He whispered, cuddling up super close to me.
"Aw, Daddy can get you into something else in a second." I told him, pulling away from him and getting out of bed. I walked into the kitchen and tossed the trash into the trash can before back into the bedroom. Jesus, Luca makes me get my steps in. I shut the door back behind me for basically no reason. I guess it's just a habit, but there's no reason right now. I opened my drawer and grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants, tossing them onto the bed.
"Come here, lemme get you dressed." I said, watching him climb off the bed. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it off, noticing a scar I never saw before. It went across his side, probably about 7 inches long if I had to guess.

"What's that one from?" I asked, running my pointer finger over it. I don't think he did that one himself, it was different than the ones on his arms and it wasn't in the easiest spot to do himself.
"My momma.. she got super mad an-an she threw glass at me." He mumbled, trying to look at it.
"Aw, Bubs." I mumbled. I went ahead and put the hoodie on him.
"That's not okay.."
"I know, Dada." He said, beginning to trace it. Suddenly my phone rang, making Luca stimm.
"Jacob!!" He exclaimed as I pulled it out of my pocket. I quickly picked up, the lite boy in front of me climbing onto the bed.

Jacob POV

It was finally my turn for a phone call and I already knew who I was gonna call. Kayden was also the only person on my call list though since I didn't have Luca's number memorized. I dialed the number into the landlines and held it up to my ear, hoping they'd pick up.
"Hey!" Kayden exclaimed after a few rings.
"Jacob! Jakie!!" I heard Luca shout from behind him, making me smile. He's absolutely precious.
"Hey, what are you guys doing?" I asked, leaning against the wall and turning my back to the guy next to me.
"I put on Mulan for Luca and I made diner. But that's really it. How is it in there?" He suddenly asked, sounding like he was shifting on his bed.
"Not alot, I was in that waiting room for literally 4 hours and I'm not even exaggerating." I complained. "I didn't even get back to the unit until 6pm."

"Jeez, they must really move fast." He mumbled.
"Papa!" I heard Luca shout, closer to the phone than before.
"You wanna talk to him?" Kayden asked, apparently getting a yes cause the next second Luca was on the phone instead.
"Aw, Hi babe." I told him, starting to smile. I couldn't help myself. Plus, I don't think Kayden would mind me crushing in his boyfriend until I got a verdict.
"Hi hi!" He greeted me, undoubtedly stimming.
"Did you eat good? Was dinner gross?" I asked, at this point not minding anyone hearing me.
"It was okay.. I just wasn't hugry." He mumbled.
"Okay, well make sure you eat tommorow at least. But, I've only got a couple more minutes. Can I talk to Kayden again?" I asked, checking the timer on the phone.
"I love you, I'll talk to you tommorow." I reminded him before he passed the phone to Kayden.

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