Episode 9 - Awakening

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Igaguri: It was only one goal!

Raichi: We're definitely gonna win

Kick-off starts and Isagi passes to Kunigami. He starts running but gets tackled by Reo

Reo: Still not in shooting range are we?

Reo starts to dribble up. He passes to Nagi who does an overhead kick and scores

Y/n: He completely stole my move!

Team V is able to get one more goal, making the score...

Team Z: 0

Team V: 3

Reo: I expected more Y/n.

Y/n doesn't react. His purple aura is flaming and his monster is behind him above his head

Reo: Wow...

Y̸̡̟̞̝̪̯̆͐͊̂͘͝ͅ/̸͈̗̩̣̍̂̎̔̔̇͝ņ̷͉͖̖̦̬̅̈́͋̾̇͜ͅ:̶̢͚̙̳̘̤͉̋̄͝ ̷͇̑̎̓̋̂͐I̶̯̹̘̖̬͓̜̐͋'̵̪̱̹̩̙͎̭̠̐̋̀̆m̷̳̻̤̱͚͉̯̀͌̕̕ ̶̬̥͈̉̐̋̋͝͝g̵̤̦̭̃͊ơ̷̧̭̂̈́͊͂̚ń̷͖̓̂̈́͋̈́͝n̶̨̮̺͎͙̹̉̆̾͑͘͘a̴̩͙͛͑̑̈́ ̷̞͚͓̃͒̓́͒̒f̷̼̏͛̈́̀͑͛͌͝ú̴͇̹̣̣̣͓̿͊̄̂̉̋c̴̢̢̛̆͐͗̓̄͝͝k̵̲̗̮̘͕͚̘̓̅̀̈́̔̉͑i̴̛̦̜̟̯̝̻̠̿̓̇̉̀͆̒ͅn̸̘͍͑̏g̸̰̺̲̙̯̳̜̓̓̍̔͆̓̾͜ ̶̘̝̲̞̼̟̀͆̂ķ̶͍̞̼̬̼͎̲́̀į̶̪͖̈́̓̊̂͝ͅc̵̬̱͍̦͎͗̓̊́̆̏́k̴̙͍̠̫̼̘̑́̒̀̚͠ ̴̱̤̫̗̒͜ẙ̷̞͓͚͋͝ͅǫ̴̪̣̜̔ȕ̷̦͎̣̳̖̯͌̋̓͆͗r̶̩̞̦͍̄̒́̑͐̈͗ ̶̢͔͚͍̼̮̓ä̶͙̼͉́̃̈́͝ș̶̝̓s̵̢͍̰̹̫̺̪̿̓͋́ͅ!̸̫̱̍̿̓

Y/n passes to Isagi

Y/n: Back. Now.

Isagi passes it back to Y/n

Y̴̖̗̋/̴̼̈n̷͓͘:̷̪̹̔̀ ̸̺̹̕N̸̩̞̒͠o̸̻͘ẉ̵̳̽̋ ̵̤͈͂̃Ì̴̪'̵̡͗l̴͍͛̿l̴͉͒ ̵̲̹́̄s̴̭̃h̸̠͉͒o̴̞̾̔ŵ̴̝̼͘ ̷̯͊̊y̷̛̝̯͐ô̵̪̈ǘ̵̺͙̓ ̸̼͂͘t̴͚̫̄ḩ̶̲́̑e̸̝̅͘ ̷͎̮̓s̵̻̝̓̓t̴̢͐̈r̷̖̋̈́o̵̝̓̈́n̴̳͙̈g̸̝̬̅ȅ̶̪͠š̶̤̖͆t̷̖̙͠ ̴̡̞͝p̵̺̝̊͒l̷̬̔̑a̷͙̅͘ÿ̴͎͖́e̴̽ͅṙ̵̺͜ ̶̨̼͊́î̶͍̣̏ǹ̸̬̗ ̴͉̺̅͊B̸͖͚͋̑l̵̛̗͗u̶̺͓͗͊ȩ̴̖̿ ̷͈̞͗L̶̛͉o̵͂͂͜c̸̻͇͝k̷̡̏!̵̗̎̃

Y/n starts to run upfield and goes up against Reo

Reo: Are you finally starting to show us what you can do?

Y̴̹̏/̴̩̌n̴̡̎:̷̜̌ ̴̻̇I̴͓͋ ̵̖͘a̶̫̚m̷̫̾ ̷͉͠å̴̦ ̷̠͘D̵̠̾e̶͉͒i̸̞̋t̷̳̕ẏ̶͜.̵̝͒ ̷͔̃Ǐ̴̬ ̵̳̔d̶͓̐ë̷̥́ć̷̜ĭ̵͓d̴̪̅e̷͉̽ ̴͍̓w̸̜̑ẖ̷͑e̵̼͋ñ̷̳ ̶̣̃á̶̫n̶̖͠d̶̬̆ ̵̖̐w̵̨͂h̵̨̚a̷̝͒t̷͉́ ̴̇͜Ī̵̜ ̶̙̿d̴̠̿ò̸̖ ̴̞̀m̴̥̊ö̸̺́r̴̜̒t̶͍̕a̷̲͗l̵̹̈

Y/n starts to dribble before doing something unexpected. He flicks the ball up and uses his incredible legs to JUMP OVER Reo

 He flicks the ball up and uses his incredible legs to JUMP OVER Reo

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Blue Lock's Deity (Blue Lock X Male Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ