Chapter 16

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Chapter 16: The Great Fortune

Riddhima's pov:

"Ahh...ouch!" I hissed bitterly as my hair became tangled in the comb's strings. I attempted to pull, but it did nothing besides make things worse and cause my eyes to water.

"Riddhima, what happened?" my blur gaze falls on a girly figure. I blinked away the tears so I could focus my vision on the owner of the voice.

It was Sia. She has been with me since the morning, assisting me as I go over the syllabus. I caught her lovely brown bulging eyes already looking at me with concern when I glanced over my shoulder.

I slowly twirled towards her and passed a small smile. Her gaze darted down to my tangled hair.

"Oh! I see you messed up. Wait, I can help you with that" I saw her closing the huge book in front of her and stood swiftly to become my helping hand.

She held me by my arms, gently dragged me back and made me sit on the soft spongy mattress. She gave me an assuring smile before sitting next to me.

As she focused her attention on the knot, I admired how beautifully her facial features is sculptured. And the recent happenings added to those unwanted dark circles under her those big brown eyes. I further looked on, she had a small button-like nose and sweet plump lips. Aww! She was so adorable.

"Done" she exclaimed breaking my chain of thoughts. I briefly looked down at my hair; she had already untied the knot and also loosely pleated my hair.

Oh! How much am grateful to her. Had it been not her, I would've spent hours undoing my hair or worse, cutting them.

"Thank you Sia" I chirped at her. I see her patting her shoulder upon her small victory and giving a light bow. I chuckled at her sweet yet silly antics.

I stroked my stomach as it grumbled out loud catching Sia's attention. I looked away feeling a little embarrassed.

"Get yourself some food girl. You're hungry" she chuckled, getting off the mattress and heading toward the study table. I nodded at her retreating figure.

I grabbed my pair of crutches and slowly limped toward the kitchen.




My steps halted just before the kitchen doorway as a delicious aroma filled the air around me. My mouth waters at the mere fragrance of exquisite meals, and my stomach starts to grumble once again. I took a brief sniff of the cooking again while my eyes were closed. In a real sense, my mother is the Rai Singhania family's finest cook.

"And the best cookery award goes to my mum, Mrs. Suman Gupta" I chirped out loud, drawing everyone's attention to me.

I saw my mother flinch in her place since she hadn't prepared for such a loud noise. She turned to face me her eyes flashing warnings at me.

I grinned broadly as I examined her expression, but my grin quickly disappeared as I heard Mina aunt let out a nasty sigh while rolling her eyes toward me. I furrowed my brows as I stared at her.

What's her problem?

Her thoughts would just make my head hurt, so I set them aside and limped to my mother and throw her into a tight embrace. As I peeked over her shoulder, she had prepared several kinds of meals.

Oh! Its aroma tempts me to gobble everything right away.

However, I'm not sure whether these goods would be thrown out again because they aren't even eaten enough in these days and it's a bad practice to dump the food out always.

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