gender reveal (JJ)

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(Sweet and cute)

Y/ns pov;

Today is the day I'm excited and nervous.

JJ is in the shower, and I'm sitting on the bed just thinking about the baby. I hope it's a girl, but if it's a boy, I'm also fine with it, I will love him/her either way.

JJ got out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom wearing a pink shirt and a blue jacket with blue jeans.

JJ walks over to me and sits next to me.

"Are you okay?" He asks, looking me in the eye.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about the baby." I smile and hug him.

"I'm excited, I can't wait to know the gender and we can start picking names for him or her." JJ smiled and hugged me back.

"I'm gonna dry my hair, do my makeup, then get changed." I said while standing up.

"Okay, well, I will be downstairs sorting the food." JJ says and walks away.

I look down at my stomach and put my hand on it.

*at the party*

Everyone just started to show, there are still some more people on their way, I look around to see Faith, Talia, and Freya.

"Hey girls." I say to all of them, I look at Faith, and she is holding Olive. "Hey Y/n, how you feeling?" Freya asked. "I'm feeling really good, excited to find out the gender." I smiled happily.

"Same! I can't wait to find out." Talia said, jumping around.

I've been talking to the girls for a good 5 minutes, I was in the middle of a sentence until I felt a pair of arms around my waist.

"You nearly ready to find out the gender?" JJ asked me. "I was ready since the morning." I laugh and turn around to hug him.

It's been half an hour, and everyone is now outside. Me and JJ are starting in front of a box and canon's.

"Okay, everyone! Listen up, thank you for coming and supporting us, but now it's time to find out the gender!" JJ yells so everyone can hear him. Everyone cheers.

"You ready?" I yell, and everyone cheers and shouts.

"Okay, do a countdown!" JJ yells and starts counting down from 10.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" Everyone yelled, then JJ and I opened the box, and the Canon went off.

Everyone screams and shouts, and I look up to see blue everywhere.

"LET'S GO!" JJ yells and runs to pick me up.

JJ puts me down, and I start tearing up, I put my hands on JJ (FACE) cheeks and kiss him.

I walk over to Talia, who is crying, and I hug her. "You're having a boy!" Talia screamed kinda and hugged me again. I look to her left and see Simon.

I smile at him and hug him.

"Now you're gonna have two JJ's walking around." Simon laughed and hugged me again.

I walk over to Freya and Faith and hug them both. "Congratulations!! I'm so excited!." Freya said and hugged me again.

I was talking to Faith and Freya until we all heard chanting. I turn around to see the boys chanting JJ.

I look back at the girls and laugh.

We walk over to Talia, and I ask her. "What's going on?"The boys are chanting JJ on because he got you pregnant, and it's a boy." Talia laughed.

I look over at the group and see JJ walking over. I smile and walk to him as well and hug him.

"I can't wait to get this little one out of you." JJ laughed and kissed me. "I love you, Jide." I said, looking in his eyes. "I love you more, Y/n." JJ said and kissed me again.

It's alright ig but I did plan it better in my head 😭

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