abusive bf prank (Niko)

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(Abusive, pranks)

"Babe, I'm bored." Niko said, looking up at me. I look back down at him and laugh.

"Same, what do you want to do?" I ask Niko while stroking his hair.

"Can we prank the boys?" Niko suggested and looked back up at me.

"Yeah, sure, what's the prank?" I ask Niko.

"I was thinking it could be like an abusive boyfriend, like when I'm gonna be abusive to you sadly." Niko said, it sounded like a good idea, but I don't know if I want to do the prank because the boys would get very overprotective.

"Really? Niko, that isn't a good idea. You know that the boys will probably kick you out." I said, knowing what would happen.

"I know, but I'm really bored, and I want to prank the boys." Niko said, hoping I would do the prank.

"Fine, but after this, we will be watching my favourite film." I agreed to Nikos' idea, and we both sat up planning on how this would work.

We both thought of an idea of how we would prank the boys, so we went downstairs to the living room and sat with the boys.

"Hey guys." I said and sat next to Niko.

"Hey, Y/n." They all reply. I look around to see Filly and Darkness.

About 10 minutes passed, and the prank started.

"Hey Y/n get me a coke." Niko said. It felt so real the way he was talking to me. He normally calls me babe, and the tone of voice scared me.

"Oh, i-uhmm, okay." I said and stood up to go and get him a coke.

I looked in the fridge, and there was no coke, so I got him a diet coke instead.

"Here you go." I passed Niko the coke.

"What's this?" Niko asked with a little attitude. "Oh, it's a drink?" I said, confused.

"I asked for a coke, not a diet coke dumbass." Niko said, kinda yelling.

"Woah, woah, Niko, don't call her that." Sharky said, yelling at Niko.

"What? All I said was dumbass calm down." Niko laughed and rolled his eyes.

"You can't call your girlfriend a dumbass, you fucking idiot." Chunkz butted in.

"Guys, it's fine, trust me." I said, trying to calm them down.

It's been like 5 minutes since that happened, and now it's time to take a step further.

I lay my head on Nikos shoulder, but he pushes it off.

I look over to see the Darkness is looking. I smile at him and put my head back on Nikos shoulder.

Niko pushes my head off again and looks at me.

"Stop, alright, stop putting your head on my shoulder. I don't want you to do that." Niko firmly said.

"What? So I'm not allowed to put my head on my boyfriend shoulder, yeah, okay." I rolled my eyes and laid back.

"Yo Y/n, come here." Darkness said and patted the seat next to him.

I was getting up to go sort nest to him, but then Niko pulled me back down.

"What are you doing?" Niko asked.
"I'm going to sit next to Darkness, I'd that a problem?" I asked nicely.

"Yes, it is. Sit back down because you're probably only going over to him to flirt with him like you do with every single boy you know." Niko yelled, grabbing my wrist firmly.

"Niko, let go." I said, my eyes watering because I'm a good actor.

"Hey! Fucking let her go Niko." Filly yelled and came over to help me.

Once Niko let go of me, I walked to the kitchen with Filly.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" Kenny yelled at Niko.

"What do you mean?" Niko said, acting clueless.

"What do you mean ?What do you mean?!' You fucking grabbed her by the wrist and hurt her!" Aj yelled.

"Alright, let me go to talk to her then." Niko said and walked to the kitchen.

"Hey Filly, can I talk to Y/n privately?" Hw asked and looked like he was sorry, and of course, he is sorry.

"Yeah, whatever, but if you lay and hand on her, you're dead." Filly said, giving him a death stare.

Filly walked out, and Niko hugged me straight away.

"I'm so sorry." Niko said, hugging me tight. "It's okay, you didn't even hurt me. The tears were fake." I said and hugged him back.

"Okay, that's good, but can we do one more thing." Niko asked. "Yeah, what is it." I smiled.

"Can I fake slap you, I want to know their reaction." He suggested, but he gave me a choice if I want to do it or not.

"I mean, why not just do it." I said, getting ready to have an 'argument' and ready for him to 'slap' me.

"Fucking hell Y/n! You can't do anything right!" Niko yelled what got everyone's attention.

"I'm sorry, but it's not my fault." I yelled back.

"You're so useless!" Niko yelled, then he clapped his hands. What made it sound like he slapped me.

I hold my face and make myself cry, and everyone comes running in.

"What the fuck Niko!" Filly yelled and pinned him to the wall.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" He yelled right in his face.

I walked over to Filly and pulled him off of Niko, and I kissed Niko.

"What the-." Chunkz started.

"Guys, you fucking idiots, it was a prank!" Niko yelled.

"Oh, I don't have time for this." Aj walked off.

"For fuck sake, I thought you actually hit her." Filly said and walked over to Niko to hug him.

"I'm sorry, mate." Niko said and hugged him back.

"It's not funny, though, but I'm happy it's a prank." Filly said and walked away.

Me and Niko went back upstairs, and we watched The Sandlot because we made a promise, and we always keep our promises.

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