Don't Fight It, Park

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"Hey, Jungkook! Good luck on tonight's game! It's the first, so I hope you guys win."

Jungkook smiles, giving handshakes to a group of people as they walk by, "Oh, thank you, but I'm not playing tonight."

"Why not?"

Everyone turns and sees Jimin standing with a confused expression....looking absolutely adorable.

"Oh, hi Jiminsii! I'll see you guys later, and I'll explain then."

They all nod, waving at the two before walking off.

Jungkook faces Jimin again, and shrugs, "I lost the bet, remember?"


"And If I win, which- I will, YOU will sit out and miss your first football game!"


Jimin smacks his forehead gently, "Oh my gosh, Jungkook, ignore all of that. You're playing tonight."

"B-But I lost-"

"And your team will lose too if you don't play. And I can't be the student body president of a school that loses because of bad sports!"

Jungkook pouts, stepping closer to Jimin and looking down into the pretty eyes, "And here I was thinking that you wanted me to play for my happiness."

Jimin giggles, bopping Jungkook's nose, "Of course I want you to be happy..I just like giving you a hard time!"

"Aishhhh Jiminsii I'm your boyfriend! You should be nicer-"

"Woah, hold on. Who said anything about that?"

Jungkook stops breathing for a second, "Hm?"

"You never asked me out you dumbo!"

"Ohhh! That's fair...since you ARE picky, stubborn, whiney.."

Jimin glares at him, angrily.

"Anddd beautiful and super duper lovely!" Jungkook adds, placing a quick kiss to Jimin's cheek, making the smaller blush.

"Okay, baby. I will try to plan something great for you."

Jimin smiles, "Hey, I should make an effort as well! I'll ask YOU out first, and I'll plan something much better than you! Oh! The first person to say yes, wins!"

Jungkook rolls his eyes, shaking his head, "Why do you always turn everything into a competition?"

"It's fun!"

"No, I just think you still hate me on the low...."

Jimin smiles, playing with his fingers as he kisses Jungkook's cheek softly, "No, I don't hate you. I love and care for you a lot...bye now."

Jungkook holds his cheek, watching Jimin skip away. "Ah- Hold on!"

Not even a kiss on the lips?! to plan something smart and romantic...


. . .

Jimin didn't see Jungkook all weekend, because he wanted to win in front of everyone...but also show everyone that Jungkook is TAKEN!

So, the touching can stop now, but they can dream all they want.

Yoongi cringes, looking around and making sure no friend of his is watching him hold up a golden plate of cupcakes decorated with pink and purple sprinkles, "Why are you making me do this?"

Don't Fight it, Park (Jikook)Where stories live. Discover now