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It had been 20 minutes and Pitts was the first to notice that Sophie had fallen asleep. He had noticed her eyes closing a while ago but thought nothing of it as he drew her.

"Charlie" Pitts whispered

The boy pulled his head away from the book, he was now engrossed in, to look at Pitts and in return Pitts nodded towards Sophie.

Charlie turned to look at the girl who had only been reading, but was now fast asleep, and listened for her small and steady breaths.

Her book was open on her chest and her head was slightly turned into the couch.

Charlie nudged Knox and nodded his head towards the sleeping girl. Knox looked at her amazed before looking around the room

"How is she asleep right now with the noise in here?" He whispered not wanting to chance waking her.

"She's been pretty worn out recently with studying and all" Charlie said catching the attention of the others who noticed her. It was almost 10 and the boys knew if Hager came in she'd be woken up in a second.

A few people across the room let out a cheer as their friend won in a round of darts


"Shut up" Sophie's boys shouted in protest as Todds eyes widened and he leaned up to cover the girls ears for fear the noise would wake her up.

Neil and Charlie decided it would be better if they got her to bed now, instead of having to deal with  the chaos that came with bedtime prep and Charlie knew she had already brushed her teeth so she wouldn't have to be woken.

Knox moved up off the couch and Charlie slide down his way letting the girl's legs drop onto the couch so he could get out.

He lifted her in one swift motion as Neil grabbed her book and walked infront of Charlie getting others to move out of his way. He opened the door and some of the boys quietened down when they saw her. Charlie moved sideways through the door careful to to hit her.

He looked down at he sleeping features and the way her hand rested against his chest from being picked up.

They met Hager in the hallway who took one look at the young girl, smiled to the boys, and took off towards the student lounge. When they got to her room, they did the same as before, Neil opened the door and Charlie manoeuvered through it.

They made their way towards her bed where Neil put down her boom on her bedside table and pulled back the Covers. Charlie placed her down and Neil pulled off her slippers, moving her legs under the blankets. Charlie pulled the covers back over her and moved to pull the curtains as Neil leaned down kissing her on the forehead

"Night Phi" he whispered standing up straight and moving towards the door leaving Charlie in the room as he turned off the light in her bathroom that she had left on earlier. He crossed the room to her and leaned down leaving a kiss on her forehead like Neil did, and pushed her hair away from her face.

As he moved towards the door a hand reached out and grabbed his "remember to come back after Cameron falls asleep" Sophie said before dropping his hand and turning in towards the wall.

"I will" Charlie smiled to himself and moved towards the door, shutting it quietly behind him.

Charlie kept his word, so when he heard the soft breaths of Cameron across the room, he kicked the blankets off him and tiptoes down to his girl's room. He opened the door as softly as he could and shut it even softer.

He made his way towards the bed and lifted the covers. Upon noticing his arrival, Sophie scooted over to the further side of the bed and let him move in beside  her.

He had hardly had time to make himself comfortable when her arms wrapped around him, like she had been waiting for him forever. His arms found their way around her and their legs tangled together. Sophie head lifted to look at Charlie and she leaned up to kiss him before settling back into his chest.

"Goodnight Charlie"

"Goodnight gorgeous"

And with his arms wrapped around her she felt safe.

And with her arms wrapped around him he felt at home.

And like that, the two fell asleep in each others embrace.

Forgetting completely about the world outside the room.

𝙼𝙾𝙾𝙽 𝚂𝚃𝚁𝚄𝙲𝙺 (𝙳𝙿𝚂 - 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚎 𝙳𝚊𝚕𝚝𝚘𝚗)Where stories live. Discover now