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                                                                                            the fall

my summer is over.

the leaves have begun to fall

from all the pretty trees.

so i lay here

dreaming of everything

that was allowed to be.

the season started with misery.

i sweet talked with death.

every inch of my body 

was made of lead.

things were getting incredibly heavy.

the days briefly appeared

then quickly fled.

in a matter of minutes,

sunrises turned into sunsets.

my days were short lived.

i had no purpose.


i felt no love.

my hopelessness grew immensely.

i sat debating: 

if i should run back to him.

life was on track to take a dramatic turn.

i was soon about to hit an all time low.

then you...

a boy of seventeen,

calling me princess,

making me feel 

oh so lovely.

i was no longer balancing

on the edge separating 

the ideas of being alive

and feeling dead.

now my world

was lit up

like a tree on christmas eve.

life began to be

merry and dandy.


you kissed me.

and all i knew

was that i did not want

you to leave me.

i confess...

i will miss you.

so consider this a goodbye.


until we meet again.

goodbye to you

and to our sweet, little

summer thing.

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