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                                                                                           so be it

why must i love you?

i did not plan to.

perhaps the twinkling stars

gazed below and agreed on us.

and this is because of

the crossing of paths

based on pure chance.

but i do not believe in chance.

or coincidence.

we are in love for a reason.


i cannot tell you

what that reason is.

perhaps i believe

it was in me to love you

from the very moment

i laid my eyes on you.

from across the somewhat crowded room.

and it is in me

to love you

every day after that.

i ask God,

am i meant to love him?

forevermore, or

forever and a day more?

if we found ourselves on God,

our love could be His,

that which is eternal and perfect.

as love ought to be amongst us--

those young and quite naive.

as man, our love is flawed.

but i haven't a care.

we could love perfectly,

if we really tried.

but loving you is effortless.

you make falling desirable.

so desirable...

i begged and prayed not to.

i prayed i wouldn't.

i could not fall and love

the answer to my precious prayers.

is that not wrong?

God thought so.

perhaps, He let me plummet.

i fell.

and to this day,

i fall for a reason i cannot tell.

people ask:

why him?

a part of me

would kill to list all 

the reasons why.

but i know they won't understand.

how can explain?

i was meant to love you

from before i even knew!

how are they to believe in

what was allowed to be?

so i save my breath,

keeping certain beautiful things

between God, you, and me.

is that selfish to do?


if i am wrong,

i am wrong.

either way,

i am meant to love you

with God's love and my own.

for Him, you, and i. 

no one else.

so be it.

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