xiv. like like.

451 30 95

chapter fourteen . . . like like.

real life!

"CHEERS!" The cast chorused, clanking glasses of wine and champagne together above the table before taking in a long sip of their alcoholic beverages.

"Oh my god, I can't believe filming is over already." Cami sighed, before taking a bite of her dinner.

"I know, it's insane how quickly it went by." Austin shook his head in disbelief.

Avalon placed her drink on the table when she felt a tap on her shoulder, turning to see Paris, "Let's go to the bathroom, I wanna talk to you about something."

Avalon nodded and the two stood up, announcing their departure before making their way to the restrooms. Luckily, none of the stalls were currently occupied so they were free to talk without fear of being overheard.

"Sooooo, how're things with Chris going?" Paris pondered, trying to get a conversation going so she could segway into her main concern.

Avalon shrugged despondently, glancing into her reflection before speaking, "Good, I guess."

"You guess?" Paris tilted her head questioningly, urging her to elaborate further.

"I don't know, it just doesn't even feel like we're dating. You know, like, we only talk at night because we're both busy filming and stuff, and we haven't seen each other since our first date." She explained, "He's not a bad boyfriend, I just don't feel the spark."

Paris bit back a smile, although she felt bad that things weren't working out as Avalon had hoped, she was glad to realize there was still hope.

"Well..." Paris hesitated, trying to find the best way to word her thoughts without sounding like an absolute dick, "maybe, you should end things. There's no point in wasting your time with someone who doesn't fulfill your life to the fullest."

Avalon swallowed thickly. It's only been about two months since they started dating, they haven't even made it public yet so that wouldn't have been a worry. And, most of all, Paris was right. It wasn't that Chris was making her unhappy, he just wasn't filling the piece of her heart that she was hoping he would fill. Yet, she still felt like a horrible person being the one to end things with someone who hasn't done anything wrong.

"I don't know..."

"Lonny," Paris stated. Avalon looked up from her lavender nail polish that had begun to chip away, gazing into Paris' eyes, "I know it seems like it's unnecessary, really, but you gotta trust me on this. There's someone out there who is meant for you, Chris just isn't that person."

Avalon chuckled, "If I say you're right does that mean you're going to jump up and down happily?"

"Yes, it does."

"You're wrong, but I'm gonna listen to you anyway."

"Works for me." Paris thee her fist in the air victoriously. It got quiet for a second as two thought someone was coming into the bathroom, seeing as it's a false alarm, Paris continued, "So, I think I know who your person is and I know you're gonna call me crazy, but to be fair, I don't care."

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