Unusual Behavior

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"Well, despite the results. The MVP of this exercise is young L/N!"
All Might exclaimed and you were thoroughly confused
"Shouldn't it be one of the heros instead, since they were the winners?"
The frog asked, and you silently agreed with her
"That's a good question. Why didn't I choose one of those two? Who has a guess!"
All Might questioned and the posh girl put her hand up
"Sir. I can tell you why. L/N embraced this challenge. She was the only one who truly adapted to her assigned roll"
She started and All Might encouraged her to continue
"I'll explain. Bakugo's judgement was clouded by a personal grudge against Midoriya. As he pointed out earlier, launching a large scale attack indoors was a foolish move. It could have been disastrous. Similarly, Missouri's plan was also poorly thought out. Considering the amount of damage he received, he rendered himself helpless. Not smart. As for Uraraka, she let her guard down mid-battle. And her final attack was far to reckless, given the hypothetical stakes. If she'd treated the fake weapon as if it were real, she would have never risked using such an imprecise move"
She explained while turning to you, making you nervous
"L/N was fully prepared for her opponents arrival. She had a strategy, and never lost sight of her mission to protect the dummy weapon. Even if she was foiled in the end"
She just carried on speaking making you unreasonably anxious
"Technically, the hero team won. Yes. But they took advantage that this was training. They didn't respect the spirit of the trial"
She finished her long Midoriya rant and you were hitting the balls of your hands together, hating the attention of everyone's eyes on you

"Yes. Well, you overlooked a few things. Young L/N could have relaxed a bit in the exercise. But, otherwise you nailed it"
All Might said, laughing nervously at the end
"Now then. Time to blow this joint. Let's move on to the next match. Think about everything we saw and discussed as you tackle this training for yourself"
All Might instructed and everyone replied with a 'Yes sir'.
You looked over to Katsuki and he had some sort of painted expression on his face. You were about to tap him oh the shoulder and ask if he was okay, but you remembered back to earlier and how he didn't want you to belittle him. So you decided against it. You looked away from him, continuing to hit the balles of your hands together, feeling hypersensitive to everything around you. The sounds, the smells, the visuals, and the feeling of the cloths on your body.

You all watched the rest of the matches, but you couldn't focus on the screen infront of you cause you were so anxious you couldn't concentrate. But the one thing that you kept noticing was how with every battle that went by, Katsuki was getting worse and worse. You couldn't almost smell all of the self-deprecating thoughts that he was thinking, but no matter what you wanted to do to help him, you didn't want to make him any worse that he already is.
"That's a wrap! Super work! You really steeped up to the plate, we didn't have many major injuries, except for Midoriya. You should be proud, excellent first day of training all of you!"
All Might boasted, and he quickly zoomed off down the hallway to get back to the school.

You silently turned around and made your way to the changing rooms, still hypersensitive to everything around you, so you speed-walked to the changing room and change quickly. You were almost changed by the time the rest of the girls turned up, but you left quickly and didn't respond to their questions about why you left so suddenly.
When you made it back to the classroom, Mr Aizawa was asleep behind his desk, and you had about 20 minutes left of school, you decided to ask him if you could leave 5 minutes early to avoid the crowds, since you were still incredibly anxious, and the balls of your hands were beginning to hurt. So, holding Otis with one arm, and waving a tightly clenched hand up and down, you walked over to Mr Aizawa
You called out to him, causing him to wake up
"Whatchu need?"
He said sleepily
"If it's not too much trouble, please may I leave 10 minutes early to avoid the crowds"
You requested, and he snuggled back down into his sleeping bag
"Sure, why not"
He said closing his eyes, and you smiled slightly
"Thank you sir"
You said quietly, making your way back to your desk, immediately bouncing both your legs.

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