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The couple sat in the booth for hours and Bella listened to Lorenzo as he told her the different meanings behind his tattoos.

,, This one I got for my mom. She loved butterflies. She always said if she died she would come back as one." he told her. His mother was a wonderful women. She cared so much for him.

Bella felt sorry for him. It's awful to not have a family. She would know because her parents simply left her all alone at the age of 17. They didn't care before nor do they care now. ,, I-i'm sorry a-about that." she told him. ,,Its okay, little angel." he said to her. ,, B-but you must b-be sad and m-miss her a-a lot-" she pointed out and her eyes are looking sad for him. Lorenzo smiled. She was, no doubt, the most adorable girl in the world.

,, I do miss her, sweetheart. but it happened a long time ago so i'm not that sad anymore, okay?" he said. He doesn't want her to be sad because of him. She nodded her head and looked at her hands again.

,, It is getting late and I'm seeing a tired little angel in front of me. Are you tired, baby?" Her eyes teared up at the sound of his voice. He cared so much she really couldn't handle it. A tear rolled down her cheek and Lorenzo immediately began to worry.

,,Hey, hey what's wrong?" He asks. She began to breath heavily and started to explain. ,,Y-You care so
m-much I-" she sobbed so hard. ,, Of course I care, little baby. You are so exhausted, hmm?. It's alright No more tears, okay?"

she nodded but he wanted more than that. ,, Words, sweetheart." he gave voice to. ,, O-okay." she stuttered.

,, Go get your things, angel. I will wait for you right here." He told her softly. She nodded and went to the back of the little shop. While she fetched her things her overthinking started.

What if he'll leave?

Is he really waiting for me right now?

Maybe he thinks i'm annoying..

She shook her head and quietly said to herself ,, no, he's not like that." She took her bag and quickly went back to him.

He was leaning against the booth they were sitting in with his arms crossed. He is so pretty she thought, so tall and muscular.

,, Are you staring at me, baby?" he teased a bit. Her cheeks turning pink again and nodded with a little smile on her face. He noticed something though. ,, Where is your jacket?" he asked curious. She shrugged because she didn't want to answer that. Bella didn't want him to think that she's pathetic for not owning a normal jacket.

Lorenzo then, shrugged of his coat and placed it around her shoulders. He didn't want her to be cold.
Bella blushed and whispered a small ,, t-thank y-you."
So polite, he thought. ,, You're welcome." he answered.

,, Come here." she was too far away for his liking.
She came closer and smiled slightly. ,, Can I hold your hand, angel? Is that okay?" he spoke. To say that she was nervous was a big understatement the reason being that she never did anything like that before. She nodded her head and a big veiny hand grabbed her little one.

They both, hand in hand, walked out of the shop and Bella locked the doors again. In front of the shop was a beautiful black car.

She didn't even wanted to know how much it costs. ,, wowie" she said and Lorenzo heard it. ,, You like it? " he asks but already knew the answer. ,, mhm, s' pretties" she spoke up adorably.

,, You're prettier, baby" he mumbled. Bella blushed for the million's time today and shook her head slightly. She didn't think she was very pretty. She had pimples here and there and acne scars all across her cheeks. In addition to that she had a small scar on her forehead due to her clumsiness as a child that she still has.

Lorenzo, being the gentlemen he is, of course opened the door for her and she carefully got into his car.
He quickly went to the other side of the car and also got in.

,, Can you give me the directions to your home, little baby?" he expressed. She gave him the directions and he immediately clenched his jaw.

He knew where that is. It's the most dangerous street in the city. Bella noticed him getting a little mad so she decided to ask him. ,, w-what's w-wrong?" her voice a little shaky. He noticed that she was probably scared of how he was acting. He unclenched his jaw and untightend his grip on the steering wheel.

,, Nothig's wrong, bella. I'm okay I promise." he told her but she didn't really buy it and decided not to ask him again.

After some time they arrived at the awful street with drug addicts and god knows what other fucking criminals were hanging out here. ,, T-thank y-you for b-bringing me to my h-home, Lorenzo." she thanked him. ,, You're welcome, little angel. Do you want me to pick you up for work tomorrow, hmm? " he just wanted to see her again and as quickly as possible.

She hestitated a bit. Afraid to be a burden. ,, A-are you sure? I don't w-want to be a b-burden. You probably h-have more i-important t-things to do-"

He immediately cut her of ,, I promise you that you are anything but a burden. Sei importante per me. What time do you start working tomorrow, hm?" he spoke.

[you are important to me.]

,, A-at 9 a.m" she answered. ,, Alright, sweetheart. Then i'll see you tomorrow at 9, okay?" She nodded but then remembered his words from before ,, o-okay." she told him. Lorenzo smiled at that, kissed her hand and told her ,, bye baby see you tomorrow." She blushed and gave him an adorable wave and said bye.

Lorenzo waited until he couldn't see her anymore and then drove back home. He had to do something about her living there. It was such a dangerous place to stay at for such an innocent little thing.

He will do something about it even if it means to drag her out of the apartment.

1059 words!!

I had my first vote today and was so excited thank you so much !!!
And 14 people already read this story i'm so proud!!

Yours, marwa <3

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