Chapter Twenty

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"I think we finally got rid of the Navy." Zoro commented to Nami, who was looking at her map.
"Yeah. Now we have a free room to roam around for the next island." The orange-haired girl smiled.
"You guys, (Y/n) is dying!! Chopper, come here with your medicine!!" Luffy yelled, alarming the rest. They looked over, only to find both Luffy and Usopp poking the girl's head, who was sulking in a corner.
"What did you two do now?!" Nami yelled as Chopper ran to them in panic.

"You two imbeciles probably made (Y/n) uncomfortable! Don't worry sweety, I will fry them for you~" Sanji said as he got out of the kitchen.
"Dying?! Is it seasickness?!" Chopper exclaimed, looking through his stuff. (Y/n) groaned and looked up at the crew with a heartbroken expression.
"Usopp, Luffy! What did you two do?!" The duo gulped as Nami yelled at them.
"We didn't do anything!" They backed away as Sanji and the girl approached

"I miss Vivi!!" The crew stopped their arguments and looked at the pouting girl. Some felt pity for her, but that soon was taken over by jealousy, which was surprising.
'Her?! She is sad because she can't hang out with her?! I am here and a much better companion!' Nami thought while huffing.
'I thought with leaving the island she might stop thinking about there... maybe she needs more time?' Usopp raised his eyebrow, a little annoyed how much thought she was giving the princess.

'Ohh to be Vivi and the one to occupy (Y/n)'s pure mind~' Sanji fawned.
Chopper shrieked as (Y/n) pulled him into a hug while Luffy was silently watching her. The boy was about to tell her that Vivi and Alabasta were in the past, how he and this ship are her new forever, but Zoro interrupted him.
"Then you shouldn't have come if you would act like it's a pity party. Should have stayed there and let yourself be captured for all I care." The swordsman said, annoyed with all the attention she was sending the princess.
'It's like I am fighting with a ghost for her attention.'

"Hey, Zoro!" Nami warned.
"I will throw you off of the ship, stupid swordsman!" Sanji said, glaring at the back of his head.
"Brutal much?" Usopp said, sticking his tongue out.
"You act like it's wrong for me to miss my best friend. Sorry I can't forget the people I love so fast." (Y/n) said, annoyed by the older's behavior.
"Yeah, but think positively. Now you can make new memories with us! You know, new adventures and food!" Luffy added, getting into her face.
"I guess-"

"Ah so we finally left the oversized sandbox." A feminine voice came from across the ship, surprising everyone.
"Ms. All Sunday?!" (Y/n) yelled, and seeing the black-haired woman she quickly got up from the ground, hugging Chopper closer to herself.
"Here to avenge your comrades? Well bring it on." Zoro glared at her, taking out his sword.
"What are you doing here?!" Nami took out her climate baton as Usopp started yelling through a megaphone how the enemy was on the ship.
"Who is she?" Chopper whispered to (Y/n).
"She was Sir Crocodile's right hand."
The reindeer cried out.

"It's you! You are still alive?" Luffy wondered as the woman used her devil fruit to disarm Nami and Zoro, meanwhile, Sanji was just fawning over how beautiful she was.
"I already told you to not point those at me."
They watched nervously as the woman went to get a chair, wondering what she will do next.
"How long have you been on board?" Nami asked.
"A while. I was below the deck, reading a  bit. I also borrowed these clothes, I am guessing they are yours." Ms. All Sunday said calmly  while sitting down on her chair, annoying Nami even more.
"How dare you?!"

The woman ignored the navigator and turned her attention to Luffy.
"Monkey D. Luffy... you haven't forgotten what you did to me, have you?"
(Y/n)'s shock turned into confusion as she looked over at her captain, wondering what he could have possibly done.
'As far as I know, he just fought Crocodile. He never mentioned her.'
"Hey, don't lie! I didn't do anything to you!" Luffy yelled back as Sanji was shaking him, demanding to know what he did.

"Oh? But I suffered a great deal because of you. Now take responsibility." The woman said nonchalantly.
"Please leave. Or I'll call the Navy." Usopp warned.
"Didn't we just escape them..." (Y/n) muttered, then looked over at All Sunday.
"What do you want from our captain anyways?"
"Ahh I see you are here too, Little miss poison. Now I know it won't be boring on the ship." The woman laughed, causing (Y/n) to roll her eyes.
"And what I want is simple... let me join the crew." She stated looking over at Luffy.

"What?!" They all screamed in unison, surprised by her request.
"I have nowhere else to go. The day you saved me at the Tomb of the Kings, was the day I was supposed to die. So let me join the crew." The woman continued as Luffy thought over the suggestion.
"Hold it! Why would we let someone who hurt our crewmember in the past join?" Usopp interjected, pointing at (Y/n).
"You are right about that one..." Luffy hummed.

"I can confidently say, that I was the one who made the least of issues for (Y/n) during her time at Crocodile's, right?" Robin said, smiling at the (h/c) girl. Now all the attention was on (Y/n), who slowly nodded her head.
"Besides that fact that her devil fruit creeped me out... She was the only one who brought me food during my captivity there." The girl admitted as her friends nodded their heads.
"The decision is up to Luffy, he is the captain." She finished, looking at the said boy. Luffy thought things over for a moment, looking between (Y/n) and the black-haired woman before slowly nodding his head.
"Alright then. You can join."

'The interrogation is a joke, Usopp is more scared now than he was while fighting in Alabasta.' (Y/n) thought as she went to the back of the ship. Putting her books down, she leaned against the railing and looked up at the sky.
'A lot of unexpected things happened... Alabasta, Crocodile, the Straw Hats... and now the Government being after me. But now I seem to mind this arrangement less and less. At least I can trust that they will be on my side, and my research will be more productive now too.' (Y/n) thought, smiling softly at the blue sky.

'You will find out there, in the wide blue sea, friends who you can trust. People who will be like your family. Just look out for them, and don't be afraid of failures. They are part of growing up and unavoidable.' (Y/n) recalled the final few sentences of her grandfather's letter, smiling softly at Usopp, Luffy and Chopper's laughters coming from the front of the ship.
"Maybe you are right, gramps." She muttered.

"Ah! I knew I would find you here. Reading, I see?"
Opening her eyes, (Y/n) looked at All Sunday as she approached and then sat down next to her.
"What do you want here, All Sunday? I thought you might use this opportunity to get to know your new crewmates." The girl wondered as the other laughed.
"I am doing that right now. Also, my name is Nico Robin. The name Ms. All Sunday is in the past now." (Y/n) raised her eyebrow at the name, but nodded her head regardless.

For a while there was a comfortable silence between the two, just the sounds of birds chirping and Luffy's yelling was heard.
"Why were you so nice to me back then? What was your end goal?" (Y/n) finally spoke up, looking down at Robin.
"I see a lot of myself in you, a young girl lost in the world. Destined to carry the truth the Government has been hiding for so long."
"You make it sound more dramatic than it actually is. Besides, I never said I have the full truth...yet." (Y/n) said as Robin got up.
"The CP9 is after you, right? Isn't that worth some drama?" She questioned, amused at the girl's behavior.
(Y/n) closed her eyes again, relaxing a little bit. Robin used the opportunity to move a little closer to the girl and put a hand on her forehead. (Y/n)'s eyes opened wide as the older leaned her face closer to hers.

Blushing, (Y/n) tried to move her face away, but Robin's next words interrupted her.
"And besides, I like you."
The black-haired woman then moved away and started walking off to the front of the ship, chucking at (Y/n)'s yelling.
"What do you mean by that?! Stop talking like that!!"
'This will be a fun time. Especially now that I know how (Y/n) is easy to fluster.' Robin thought, going back to reading her book.

🩷hope u all like this one, and thank u for reading! Stay safe and have a great day/night🩷

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