(2) Solitary Confinement

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Hana walked towards the steps as Chishiya headed her way.

She decided to ignore him, something she had done during their last few days at the Beach, though this time it would be hard considering the game had no time limit.

She walked into two men conversing monotonously. Not much emotion was shared between the two besides a smile at the end of their talk.

"Um, I don't mean to interrupt but could I stick with you two? I have... problems with the people upstairs"

By people she means the Cheshire that stares at her through the opening of the floor above her.

The emo looking one looked to the man with broad shoulders.

"Sure. The more the merrier" broad shoulders smiled.

Hana nodded with a friendly smile.

She glanced up and locked eyes with the emotionless blonde.

Chishiya stared at her with slightly squinted, dark eyes. His arms crossed and head tilted gave off an intimidating vibe.

"May I know your name?"

She snapped out of her trance and turned to the broad shouldered man, "Oh, I'm Hana."

She slightly chuckled, "I probably should've started off with that."

"That's alright. Sunato Banda. You are, quite the sight" Banda displayed a flirtatious smile.

Hana smiled, flustered by the compliment. Chishiya had never really spoke of such words. The only compliment she had received from him was, "your hair, it suits you." But even that seemed forced out of his mouth by Kuina.

"I'm Enji Matsushita. Now, could one of you tell me my symbol?"

"Oh, of course," Hana spoke with a nod, "Spade."

"Thanks" Enji smiled before walking up behind her, "Diamond."

"Thank you"

"Could you tell me mine, Hana?" Banda asked glancing at the girl with such soft eyes. Hana could feel herself get lost in them.

"Hana? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need some water?" Enji questioned.

"No I just... zoned out a little," the girl reassured, "Heart."

"Thank you" Banda answered sweetly.


Hana looked between the two white chocolate bars, debating on which looked better.

"White chocolate?"

Hana hummed, "it was my friend's favorite."

"So you're mourning?"

The girl looked at Banda who seemed expressionless.

Here we go again.

"I'm missing him, yes. I know he's still out there. He-he's tough he doesn't..."

The thought of Niragi being gone had never crossed Hana's mind. And she wasn't gonna open up to a random man she just met. Even if he was attractive.

Banda reached behind her, leaning on the shelf as he stared deeply into her eyes.

Hana felt her breath hitch as their faces were so close.

"Let's find him together" he states tilting his head so their mouths were only centimeters apart.

The girl scanned his face before Banda pulled away with a chocolate bar in hand.

"This is also my favorite"


Hana lay on the bed of her cell, playing back the day's events.

She came to the conclusion that she was attracted to emotionless men.

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