(5) Niragi

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Hana stared at the wall in thought while Banda sat on the floor next to her. They were waiting by the stairs to tell Enji his symbol as he had gone to the roof by himself earlier.

Chishiya's words from before had stuck in Hana's mind.

How did she not notice his love for her?

He never said the three words at the Beach but he had now and it really took her by surprise.

"What's on your pretty little mind?"

The girl's thoughts were interrupted by the soft eyed boy.

Hana didn't want to talk about her ex so she thought of something else she had learned that day.

"I heard you murdered 4 girls"

Banda's eyes slightly widened in surprise. He assumed she didn't care for his past since she never mentioned it. The other players ignored him in fear.

"Are you scared of me?"

The girl shook her head, "no."

"So then what were you really thinking about?"

Hana hadn't shown any signs of fear towards the boy throughout their time in the prison and that intrigued him. Banda knew his name was known for something sinful yet she still trusted him with her life.

He wanted to know more about the girl and if she was willing to get used to the borderlands with him.

"I miss my best friend" the girl stated.

Banda nodded as to tell her to continue.

"He's all I have. Both here and back home. We were waiting for our Uber when the fireworks happened. We had planned to run away, somewhere far where my strict parents wouldn't find us"

"Strict parents? Did they not like him?" Banda questions.

"They always thought of him as a low class. But it wasn't until after graduation that they acted on it. Niragi and I decided to get piercings and change our styles. He styled his hair while I dyed mine. They never liked me changing my appearance, I had a 'perfect daughter' image that I had to keep. They demanded I stop seeing him"

"So you ran away"

"No, I kept seeing him. I ran away a year later after they wanted me to marry Niragi's high school bully. I'm sure they knew what he had done to Niragi, they just never cared. So I packed my things and left. Niragi's all I have, which is why I really need to survive and find him"

"How are you so sure that he's still alive?"

"Because he's Niragi and he's smart"

Banda felt a sudden wave of emptiness. He never had that kind of bond with anyone. He wanted Hana from the moment he saw her. But now he knows he can't have her. He knew that if it ever came down to the borderlands or her old life, she would choose life.

Banda wouldn't like that. He wants her for himself though it's not possible. He decides to push down his feelings before they grow too obsessive and won't be able to let her go.

"Oh, you guys are still here?"

They look up and see Enji with his hair disheveled. Probably from the wind.

"Wouldn't want you gone" the girl jokes.

"Oh right" Enji walks up to them and turns around.


The boy smiled in return, "let's go then."

As the trio make their way back downstairs, Hana spots a figure coming down the same stairs Enji had.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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