Chapter 24

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

[Translator - Kyangi]

[Proofreader - Harley]

Chapter 24

Raon opened his eyes, feeling the sunlight enter through the window.

'It's difficult.'

He skimped on sleep during his break to cultivate more, but he didn't manage to create an aura.

'This isn't a common cultivation method.'

He'd felt it when he saw Glenn's expression and when he examined the 'Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation' engraved in his memory, but it definitely wasn't a martial technique that could be exchanged for a bronze tablet.

Let alone a silver tablet, even dozens of golden tablets wouldn't have been enough.

'Why did he just give it to me?'

He couldn't understand why he gave him such an excellent aura cultivation method. After all, he thought Glenn hated him and Sylvia.

The most surprising part was that he didn't do anything when the book was reduced to powder, and Raon was the only one able to have that knowledge.

'Is there a problem with this aura cultivation method?'

He thought Glenn had probably given it to him because it wasn't a complete cultivation method, or it had some kind of flaw somewhere.


He carefully checked the content of the 'Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation' in his memory.

'I don't see any problems.'

He didn't notice anything in particular, but he thought he should be careful, just in case.

That's not the only thing you should be careful about.

Wrath suddenly burst from the ice flower bracelet.

If you don't watch out for the King of Essence, your soul and body will be engulfed by wrath.

"So be it."

Raon nodded at Wrath, who was chuckling.

That is an arrogance not even seen in devildom. I will definitely shut down your arrogance this time.

"I keep telling you. Do it if you can."

Raon waved his hand dismissively and left the room. He couldn't show any weakness to Wrath. A serene mind. A mind as calm as the lake in the middle of the night, that was what he needed.


"Young master Raon."

Sylvia, Helen, and the maids were waiting in the entrance hall.

"You haven't been here for long enough. I couldn't talk to you enough, and you didn't eat enough..."

Sylvia teared up as she expressed her regrets.

"I can come back every weekend from now on."

Unlike before, when he was a temporary trainee, as an official trainee he could return to the annex building during weekends.


The atmosphere became heavy. It looked like Sylvia's feelings had spread to the maids.

"I... I'll be back."

Awkward situations and emotions like that were his Achilles' heel. Raon quickly waved his hand and walked towards the exit of the annex building.

As he opened the door, he met Judiel's eyes. She was sitting at the end of the line of maids.

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