Chapter 47

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

[Translator - Kyangi]

[Proofreader - Harley]

Chapter 47

After finishing the strength and agility training in the indoor gymnasium, he went outside to the outdoor gymnasium.

'She isn't here.'

Since he kept hearing the thrusting sounds of a sword, he thought Runaan was there. However, he couldn't see her. Strangely, it looked like she'd left first.

'It's annoying when she is around, but I miss her a bit now that she is gone.'

Runaan would always wait for him to finish training, then leave after saying goodbye with a nod.

It didn't feel like anything special, but now that he didn't get that greeting, he missed it a little.

'How come I'm missing that? Was I brainwashed?'

Raon smirked and left the training ground. Since Burren and Martha were still in there, he didn't need to clear up like he usually did.

How pathetic.


It shouldn't be the time to think about such a thing.

'What do you mean?'


Wrath didn't continue. Without saying anything, he just stared towards the west.

'What's up?'

Raon turned his head towards the direction that Wrath was looking. Even though he couldn't sense anything, he had a strange feeling.

'Just in case.'

Rotating the 'Ring of Fire', he used the aura from the 'Ten Thousand Flame Cultivation'. He also activated the 'Perception of the Snow Flower' to spread his perception wide.


Something was caught up in his perception nearby. However, he still couldn't sense anything.

Which meant...

'Someone has used an energy barrier.'

An unknown person had used their aura to block sound and their presence.

'I should go check.'

He normally wouldn't have cared what they were doing, but he figured he should check it out because of Wrath's reaction.

Using the shadow footwork to completely hide his presence in case he needed to run away, he ran towards where the area energy barrier was set up.

Inside the dark alley, without any of the house's swordsman guards, two people were standing.

One of them was Runaan, and the other was a tall man.

'Why is she there? And that expression is...'

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