Chapter 30

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

[Translator – Kyangi]

[Proofreader – Harley]

Chapter 30


Raon grit his teeth.


As he was interrupted just before forming an aura in his trace, the aura started to scatter.


Raon focused and tried to condense the aura from the ‘Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation’ as it began to dissipate. Just as he was about to force it to settle, a coldness rushed at him.

I told you.

Wrath’s voice was jeered at him.

The King of Essence will target you when you are in your weakest state.


He was right.

Wrath did warn him that he would attack at the most dangerous moment. To be honest, Raon had somewhat expected it to happen.

However, he completely forgot about Wrath while in his trance.

I’m only getting started!

Wrath exploded his massive coldness, aimed at him. Raon shivered, facing the coldness that seemed to even freeze his cold sweat.

He wanted to open his eyes immediately because of the bone-freezing pain. However, he couldn’t do that. It risked reversing the flow of his mana, which would incapacitate him.

You bastard…

He forgot, since Wrath had been tamed for a while, that he wasn’t his ally. He wasn’t just a devil, but a king of devildom. He seemed to be trying to eat away his entire soul by breaking his body.


As Wrath’s coldness grew more powerful, the ice in his mana circuit started to reverberate.


He groaned in pain. It felt like his skin and bones were being split apart. The extreme coldness and wrath started to corrode his mind.

It’s over.

Wrath’s cold voice contained exhilaration instead of anger.

Your body and mind now belong to the King of Essence.

Just as he said, Raon’s whole body was being filled with that extreme cold. He was losing his senses due to the extreme pain, and he felt like he would faint at any moment.


Raon bit his tongue. The pain allowed him to regain his senses for an instant, like a bucket of cold water.

Think, think!

Wrath’s coldness had already covered his entire body. He could take control of it at any moment now.

I can’t stop the ‘Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation’.

It was too late to use the ‘Ring of Fire’, since Wrath’s coldness was going to engulf his body and mind before the ring started to rotate.

I need to reach a breakthrough.

Raon tried to withstand it by circulating the ‘Ten Thousand Flames Cultivation’. It was a precarious situation, like hanging over a cliff with a single rope.

The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman - [Author: Writing Ant]Where stories live. Discover now