Chapter 34

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The Reincarnated Assassin is a Genius Swordsman

[Translator – Kyangi]

[Proofreader – Harley]

Chapter 34

Martha Zieghart was a very proud person.

The reason she failed during her previous term wasn’t because she lacked ability, but because she almost killed the two direct line bastards that had hurt her pride.

Since it became annoying after that for various reasons, she had intended to take it easy in the fifth training ground. However, there was one guy that still irritated her.

Raon Zieghart.

That precocious kid kept being an eyesore.

She wanted to fight him already. However, she agreed with Rimmer that fighting him when he didn’t even have an aura was dirty, so she held back.

That was why she was happier than anyone else when she heard Raon had acquired an aura, because she could finally get payback for her previous humiliation.

The spar began and she crossed swords with Raon.

His talent in swordsmanship shone even more in an actual fight, to a point that he could perfectly defend himself against a swordsmanship that he’d never seen before.

However, as soon as she started using Titan’s aura, Raon got pushed back as easily as a paper doll.

It was to be expected.

The difference in size and purity of aura was as great as the distance between the sky and earth.

The whole situation was in Martha’s favor, to the point that she could break Raon’s bones whenever she wanted.

Despite knowing that, Raon’s fighting spirit didn’t fade.

His eyes seemed to be taunting her, seeming to say, ‘Come at me as much as you want!’

It was ridiculous.

He looked like an idiotic rabbit that didn’t even know who was holding it by its neck.

Pathetic bastard.

Martha smirked and swung her sword down, putting in more aura and strength.


The arena trembled.

Raon withstood it.

He didn’t fall, despite her repeated strikes.

It was annoying.

The way he was trying to climb up high. despite having the worst talent, made her boil with anger.

Don’t resent me for this.

His limbs might’ve broken, but he left her with no choice. Pulling out an even more powerful aura, she aimed her sword in front of herself.

It was the posture for Hard Stone.

She was going to pierce Raon’s defense using the energy of a sharp rock.

It was when she was about to kick the ground.

A red flame ignited at the end of Raon’s blade.

A very small flame.

And yet, it was redder and more beautiful than any other flame. When Martha saw it, a chill went down in her spine.

What is that?

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