If only you could see yourself through my eyes...

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How beautiful you are sitting there, in your own stillness, in your own peace, in your own world, with those dark but shining eyes examining letters printed on paper, your face so relaxed, that jet black hair curling around your face as an ornament, that weak smile, how I love it when you smile, when you laugh or when you look at me even from a distance.

Your silence, your charm, and your way of doing drive me crazy. But in the end who am I?

 I will only be able to admire in the distance, smile when you smile, and laugh when you laugh, I won't be able to do much else but I will be happy with a little dream, fiction, stories invented in my enchanted world.

In my mind where you're mine, where the sun shines and you look at me, where my heart races and your gaze remains on me as if no one else exists, as if I am your only thought and the only reason to wake up in the morning with a smile.

Things i never told youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ